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Full Version: PR -> Corven.AntiM8
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Reported Players: Corven.AntiM8 (STEAM_0:0:162467388)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-22 01:27
Summary: The reported player CDMs me and and then try's to execute us with his fist and then he drives off. His job was a Mechanic at the moment.

He did it several times as we respawned.
Do you have any further evidence? There's nothing to show that the Mechanic is in fact the person your reporting.
I was Only able to take these screenshoots, I don’t have more evidence than this.

Sadly without having further proof, I'm unable to reasonably identify who the person in the screenshot is. Next time, a screenshot of the scoreboard will help or if you get up close enough, take a picture of him like that.