Reported Players: [L²:RP]Jüri (STEAM_0:0:121551418)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-20 14:47
Summary: My vehicle was damaged as I had hit a tree. I headed to the Inner Shell station to fix my car, but quickly found that it had been propblocked by [L²:RP]Jüri. I asked him why he had propblocked the shell station and informed him it was against the rules (It is definitely propblock as there was no keypad or anything to remove the bollards he put up) and he said that he propblocked the station so he could sell his services and that you could walk through it easily. He then attempted to charge
$900 to repair his car.
![[Image: 0CA945E04B45D650428D3B8F17C3D3F43BB86E3D]](
![[Image: C52C42E67A183AA51D4878F6EE1DAC242F5001A9]](
![[Image: D02A6A301CDD614E13A198DCA8808DF98E798EBF]](
Update: 20 mins later he has propblocked it even further so there's zero vehicle access:
![[Image: 366705D25D918BEAB0236A78D6285B8B25C81D47]](
(May 20, 2018, 07:22 PM)Ninja Wrote: [ -> ]*Not Involved*
It isn't against the rules if he makes it look realistic and he owns the property.
(Was talking to blackdog about it before.)
It was blatant propblock he wasn't asking people to pay him to unlock it, he stated himself he propblocked it so that people would have to come to him to get their car repaired.
Also you know the rules man, you know you shouldn't be posting in here even if you're giving advice on the rules...
(May 20, 2018, 07:22 PM)Ninja Wrote: [ -> ]*Not Involved*
It isn't against the rules if he makes it look realistic and he owns the property.
(Was talking to blackdog about it before.)
- 6.2 - You require staff permission to build in areas you do not own (unless it’s outside the city, but not on roads), or the president’s permission if it’s the Town Hall. You may spawn small, roleplay-appropriate props in areas you do not own as long as you leave them unfrozen.
But yeah, there no keypads or any way to access the pumps.
To be honest he was barely at the Shell, most of the time you pulled up and if he wasn't there you come back 10 mins later. It was a pretty shit attempt at an RP and all he ended doing was stopping people getting their car fixed and pissin everyone off. He made no attempt to have a legit business but rather he just tried to copy Blackdog which he failed at. There were no keypads and the props were also frozen in the road which I think is against the rules because props aren't allowed to be frozen where cars are or some shit idk
Seeing how it looks like there was an attempt, I won't be going down the route of suspension or blacklist, however the player did go against our rules of having to have staff permission to build in public areas and having frozen props in the road, in this case blocking off a repair bay for his RP.
A permanent warning will be issued.
Thanks for the report.