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Full Version: PR -> Karljorgen
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Reported Players: Karljorgen (STEAM_0:0:84279823) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-20 12:45
Summary: We were looking earlier for a blue camo nissan beause assisted in a Jail Break, later on when I saw the Nissan parked infront of the PD I immediatly thought that he was inside for trying to break prisoners out again, however, he quickly came outside again and thats when i detained him, I didnt want to arrest him immediatly because there wasn't enough proof that he was it (even though that was the only camo nissan). So anways, after I tazed him (because he refused to listen to me, turned around to me when i told him like 5 times to face the wall) he DCed.

He's iccly called Jorgen Eskimo

Therefore: DC to avoid RP
Evidence: [Image: dIPxEhj.jpg]
[Image: jZMx6Ju.jpg]
[Image: 3kNDFKt.jpg]
[Image: lsfgObZ.jpg]
Evidence and the logs prove what's been reported.

Due to 3 priors of the same sort,

Karljorgen will be given a 2 week ban.