Reported Players: Owen (STEAM_0:0:61852492) , Ulkrah (STEAM_0:1:64812312) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-20 00:36
Summary: STEAM_0:0:61852492 is suspected of breaking rule 13.5
STEAM_0:1:64812312 is suspected of breaking rule 13.5
Accused has 24 hours to respond.
i didnt know my friend had looped from base i just saw him driving towards me with cops so i shot the cops as we had guns on us also when your where chasing my friend your gun was on safety so he may not have realised you had one out but i cant say for sure.Also as far as i can tell you didnt tell him to freeze when he was running through the house you just followed with your gun on safety and as its a pistol if your not looking it can be hard to spot
I was building a nice little cottage for myself. You geezers rock up asking about the EMS call. I said that the EMS call was for further down the road, as my friend (who was also building) knocked a prop into my mate. We asked for EMS to assist an injured person, no Police requested. As you can see if the video neither of these cops asked me to stop. They both had pistols in safety (therefore making it very hard for me to spot). I started running away as I was armed ( A super Shorty and an AR-15 I believe - I don't really remember since this was days ago - bit of a late PR tbh mate). Since neither of you were speaking, and chasing me in silence, I ran through the house to my car. I was armed and knew that if I was caught they would find the AR and shotty and I would get 10-15 years jail. In character I decided that fighting back was worth it to prevent being jailed for so long. A member of my organisation backed me up.
If you had been asking me to stop running, and informed me that you had a gun on me I would have stopped. However I was unaware I was being chased by two silent people with guns on safety.
Next time actually say something.
(May 21, 2018, 06:05 PM)BigOwen Wrote: [ -> ]I was building a nice little cottage for myself. You geezers rock up asking about the EMS call. I said that the EMS call was for further down the road, as my friend (who was also building) knocked a prop into my mate. We asked for EMS to assist an injured person, no Police requested. As you can see if the video neither of these cops asked me to stop. They both had pistols in safety (therefore making it very hard for me to spot). I started running away as I was armed ( A super Shorty and an AR-15 I believe - I don't really remember since this was days ago - bit of a late PR tbh mate). Since neither of you were speaking, and chasing me in silence, I ran through the house to my car. I was armed and knew that if I was caught they would find the AR and shotty and I would get 10-15 years jail. In character I decided that fighting back was worth it to prevent being jailed for so long. A member of my organisation backed me up.
If you had been asking me to stop running, and informed me that you had a gun on me I would have stopped. However I was unaware I was being chased by two silent people with guns on safety.
Next time actually say something.
- "You may not run away from someone who has you under FearRP and is pointing a gun/taser at you, unless they specifically order you to."
At the time that I started running, you did not have a gun out. You took it out afterwards. Greg had one out but since he is a mute I did not see/ notice him, since it was you I had been talking to. You (Bismo) pulled a gun after I was running and had my back to you. You didn't say anything, therefore I did not know I had weapons on me, and couldn't possibly be under FearRP
Also if a pistol was pulled but in safety like the person who made the video was the gun is down by his side not aimed which can make it hard to spot
(May 21, 2018, 07:49 PM)BigOwen Wrote: [ -> ]At the time that I started running, you did not have a gun out. You took it out afterwards. Greg had one out but since he is a mute I did not see/ notice him, since it was you I had been talking to. You (Bismo) pulled a gun after I was running and had my back to you. You didn't say anything, therefore I did not know I had weapons on me, and couldn't possibly be under FearRP
I said "come here" at the very beginning. About 5 seconds in, he's super close to you with his gun out and you just ran off. You can't run off unless told to do so. You definitely saw it, you just wanted a police chase rather than a gunfight.
why would we want a police chase we had guns on us also you said come here than stared at th ground not sure what happened to you after but the person recording didnt say stop or anything they even slowed down when owen was opening the door to the front of the house but never said stop and theyre gun was lowered.
Owen will be receiving a two day suspension for FearRP. It was clear from the start that he saw the weapon, and yet he still decided to run.
I fail to see how Ulkrah is in the wrong here, as he seemed to only be caught up in shooting at you guys whilst shots were already being exchanged, and I don't feel that he's violated a rule here so no punishment will be issued to this player.
Thanks for the report.