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Full Version: PR -> LINE_BOLT
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Reported Players: LINE_BOLT (STEAM_0:1:67855984) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-18 13:30
Summary: I was dealing with a poorly parked car at the Cinema car park when I hear over the radio that there is an illegal arms deal going on outside the Cinema. I run over and see the two being disobedient immediately. I pull out my bean bag and try to get them both against the wall to search them. The suited man does so, however, the accused shows no compliance and goes directly against my orders, even demanding me to shoot him. He heavily breaks FearRP and says that the bean bag doesn't fall under fearRP due to it's lack of ability to kill but as a well-informed and rule abiding player I know that's not the case. He then says that he is facing the wall when he clearly isn't and disobeys my order when I ask him to turn 90 degrees to the left. Instead it was 30 degrees to his right. Finally, to put the cherry on the cake he goes and calls us the N WORD which I assume was OOC seeing as his previous actions/words were at some points during the incident.

The Captain was the first on scene and called it in
I called it in, and turned up. Due to the nature of rules being discussed in the voice chat, i believe that the N word said in the voice chat was aimed at me and Da Cool Cow in an OOC manner.

User will be issued a 1 day suspension for FearRP and disrespecting other players in an OOC fashion.

Thanks for the report.