May 16, 2018, 11:59 PM
Reported Players: bismo :VV (STEAM_0:0:62202963) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-16 21:45
Summary: STEAM_0:0:62202963 stole my vehicle and I asked why he did it and if he had a reason, we had a little talk and I then started to PM him instead of arguing in the OOC chat. He then started to say things like "You dumb ass stop crying".
I got a screenshot of the insult.
Evidence: Evidence of him insulting me in PM while we were talking about OOC related stuff.
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-16 21:45
Summary: STEAM_0:0:62202963 stole my vehicle and I asked why he did it and if he had a reason, we had a little talk and I then started to PM him instead of arguing in the OOC chat. He then started to say things like "You dumb ass stop crying".
I got a screenshot of the insult.
Evidence: Evidence of him insulting me in PM while we were talking about OOC related stuff.