Reported Players: Boshine (STEAM_0:1:79627037) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-15 19:00
Summary: He placed a camera in mid air without any supports so he can watch his base. (Around 19:00 - 19:10 GMT)
I placed the camera without support, sorry
But you would've had it there before then if you did /restoreprops?
That camera has been there for a very long time. I believe in the middle of a chase with one of the Anti-Government players that were based at Beach House 2 this camera was still present.
Yea I know, sorry about that I admit I messed up.
Though this is a rule violation, after speaking to the player privately I can understand why it was done and I can confirm that it wasn't a malicious act, and seeing how this is a very small violation (which the accused admits) I won't be going any further with it at this point. The accused is now aware of this and knows better for the future.
Thank you for the report.