Your Name: [L²:RP] Sophie (Used to be Ping-Hotel)
Issued by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. (Multiple people, a lot who currently left the staff-team, isn't really neccessary tho)
Blacklist ID:
Server: At the time at V33X, but currently Rockford
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Alright, so. To start off with, all these blacklists are from 1.5 years ago, and more. The reason I wanna start with somesort of a clean record, is because 1.5 years ago I took this way less "serious" then now, now I try to follow the rules, and learn from them, therefor is why I ask if I could somehow start "over".
I know this isn't something you guys usually do, but I ask it because I don't want so many blacklist on my name for something happened so long ago, it is a really long time and I read the rules every day now to try to get them in my head, and follow and play with them. The most of the blacklists received at that point were from administrators that has currently left. But I still think they were all valid, I was a big ass minge at that time.
I ask for a "second change" if thats somehow u wanna describe it, I want to start all-over with a clean record, not having to be remembered at all the stupid things I did back there. History has been made, and I hope I can erase a bit or fully of that history to start with a good record. Now if you dont wanna accept them all, I can understand that, but I still hope you guys will reconsider this, as I think you can actually valid me trying to follow all the rules, and mostly if I don't know if something is allowed, I go to a moderator / teacher etc before I do it
Thanks for reading this, if you have any questions feel free to post (Staff-only)
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Ping-Hotel.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
For the ones I issued:
You broke the rules, so they stay on record. No exceptions.
I'll reach out to the past staff members who issued the blacklists and get their opinions.
You broke rules and were punished accordingly you have issued 0 evidence as to why they should be removed please read through the UBR rules thoroughly. It clearly states that you should not post a UBR or UBL if you know you have broken the rules.
Why do you deserve a second chance?
Why do you think these should be removed?
What logic lies in clearing your clearly extensive record just for a second chance?
(May 13, 2018, 06:31 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]For the ones I issued:
You broke the rules, so they stay on record. No exceptions.
Can't you be a little forgiving? Especially if you see how long ago it is
(May 14, 2018, 12:20 AM)Ping-Hotel Wrote: [ -> ] (May 13, 2018, 06:31 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]For the ones I issued:
You broke the rules, so they stay on record. No exceptions.
Can't you be a little forgiving? Especially if you see how long ago it is
Did you not break the rules?
(May 14, 2018, 01:41 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (May 14, 2018, 12:20 AM)Ping-Hotel Wrote: [ -> ] (May 13, 2018, 06:31 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]For the ones I issued:
You broke the rules, so they stay on record. No exceptions.
Can't you be a little forgiving? Especially if you see how long ago it is
Did you not break the rules?
Never denied that, yes I did. Otherwise they would not be issued, but I think that, especially because its a gameserver, u sometimes could give people a break.
(May 14, 2018, 02:25 AM)Ping-Hotel Wrote: [ -> ] (May 14, 2018, 01:41 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ] (May 14, 2018, 12:20 AM)Ping-Hotel Wrote: [ -> ]Can't you be a little forgiving? Especially if you see how long ago it is
Did you not break the rules?
Never denied that, yes I did. Otherwise they would not be issued, but I think that, especially because its a gameserver, u sometimes could give people a break.
You broke the rules. When you break a rule, you get punished and it goes on your record. So, no. You don’t deserve for perfectly valid punishments to be taken off your record.
A criminal does not have his fine history or arrest history removed just because of a 1-2 year good behaviour in real life as those act as a guide to how he behaved and if he was to do something again, those will be used as references for future punishments.
In Limelight, we look into previous issued punishments to get an understanding of the player, it's a reference for us to decide accordingly. Wanting a clear record is not enough to do a mass-unblacklist request especially when you yourself stated you were on and off for a long time so we can not also state that you have changed your ways just after a few days on the server.
These mass-unblacklists with no information on the individual blacklists, as well as who issued them are not ideal.
I'd like you to answer the questions that Rickets asked you earlier.
I've heard back from Blackout who has no recollection of the blacklist and has deferred judgement to me, I'll make my final conclusion when you answer what Rickets asked. In the meantime, I'm trying to get a hold of Theo.
(May 14, 2018, 01:24 PM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like you to answer the questions that Rickets asked you earlier.
I've heard back from Blackout who has no recollection of the blacklist and has deferred judgement to me, I'll make my final conclusion when you answer what Rickets asked. In the meantime, I'm trying to get a hold of Theo.
Sorry to ask. But where are the questions from rickets?
Il be heading to a meeting ill reply tonight also with more detailed per blacklist upon bambos request.
(May 13, 2018, 07:46 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]You broke rules and were punished accordingly you have issued 0 evidence as to why they should be removed please read through the UBR rules thoroughly. It clearly states that you should not post a UBR or UBL if you know you have broken the rules.
Why do you deserve a second chance?
Why do you think these should be removed?
What logic lies in clearing your clearly extensive record just for a second chance?
I say "no" to the removal of the sanctions I gave you. You don't need these to be removed to have a "fresh start" and to begin anew in a way where you're taking things seriously. If you are determined to have a fresh start and take a new approach to the servers, then you should stand by these sanctions as a permanent reminder of who you were and who you are now. Deleting and forgetting the past doesn't allow you to learn, so I think it's best to keep these as a statement that you won't make the same mistakes.
(May 13, 2018, 07:46 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]You broke rules and were punished accordingly you have issued 0 evidence as to why they should be removed please read through the UBR rules thoroughly. It clearly states that you should not post a UBR or UBL if you know you have broken the rules.
Sorry but they do not say that for ubl (I checked it) if that is so, could u link me where please?
Why do you deserve a second chance?
Like I said, those bl's are from 1,5-2 years ago, I was a minge back there, I wanna show I have changed, and I have. I can ensure you that, maybe remove them with some sort of requirement to it"dont do it or... "
Why do you think these should be removed?
I am being more serious about this, as I enjoy the server. Back then I was just a big minge, the record imo is not good for me because it is embarassing (maybe thats what u try to achieve with it, idk?) if everyone can see it, not only that, but I do sure think that it shouldn't be a criminal record, its a semi-serious game afterall, and 1,5 - 2 years ago is imo a long period of time, therefor I think I should achieve, (Rather say Achieve then deserve, as honestly it isn't deserved, but I hope you reconsider) a clean record, so I could start all over.
What logic lies in clearing your clearly extensive record just for a second chance?
I have a extensive record, I agree with you. My logic with that is as following; I think it would benefit me as a person, as for now I can only attempt to keep improving myself, usually I always ask (nowadays atleast) a moderator before I can do something. I think that having such a record is for me something I am emberassed for, as it is unusual (nowadays) for me to have something like this. I play following the rules, and ofcourse I also make mistakes. But aren't we all humans?
I also think that removing the record would make it more fun for me to play, they are all no-actives anymore and they are from a long period of time ago.
I hope you reconsider, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Like you always say, its semi-serious, not real life. I don't think that comparing a criminal record and a blacklist record on a gameserver is any sensewise. I honestly think, it is and will stay a game, But I do get your vision here. Dont get me wrong.
In Limelight, we look into previous issued punishments to get an understanding of the player, it's a reference for us to decide accordingly. Wanting a clear record is not enough to do a mass-unblacklist request especially when you yourself stated you were on and off for a long time so we can not also state that you have changed your ways just after a few days on the server.
I agree with you on this, however. Give me atleast a oppurtunity to show that I have indeed changed? And thats where we go (bold peace) This is exactly why I posted this, as this is no-longer the player I used to be. Therefor the blacklists won't give you a reference of me, as it used to be me, but it isn't any more. I get your point tho, and your decision will remain your decision.
First of all, thanks for taking the time to look at this post. Deleting and forgetting the past doesn't allow you to learn
I do understand this, although I already learned from them, and they will not be repeated, I can ensure you that. Also, if you stick with that decision, its fine with me, and I fully respect your decision, your words will be marked.
To all staff that has responded; Thanks for taking the time and for being patience with me, as I was quite bissy this was posted later as I wanted it to be, Note; The things I wrote are my opinion, and those do not reflect upon you, just on what you said. I thank you for your opinions and I respect your decisions.
I'll be here when there is an update