May 1, 2018, 02:43 PM
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default):
Description: If you look at a car and do /unstuck the car TP's to you, 99% of the time the car ends up killing you as it lands on top of you.
Bug observed since: Last night while I was doing a lowrider with hydraulics RP
Images/Screenshots: Nah
Steps to Reproduce: Look at your car and type /unstuck
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default):
Description: If you look at a car and do /unstuck the car TP's to you, 99% of the time the car ends up killing you as it lands on top of you.
Bug observed since: Last night while I was doing a lowrider with hydraulics RP
Images/Screenshots: Nah
Steps to Reproduce: Look at your car and type /unstuck