Reported Players: John Jong (STEAM_0:1:14212289) (
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Apr-28 22:35
Summary: After Leon demoted Tyrone Deshawn from Police Officer for repeatedly swearing in the radio despite being told not to multiple times, the S.W.A.T team decide that Leon is corrupt and begin to handcuff him. Having previously dealt with Tyrone and hearing him not comply with the Police Chiefs demotion I knew that it was the S.W.A.T team that was, in fact, corrupt.
After arriving on scene and asking the SWAT team under gunpoint to release Leon, an officer then uncuffed him for me. John Long then opens fire on the Police Chief, breaking rule:
11.4 - You may kill/injure other government members, but only if they are an immediate threat to your life, the lives of innocent people, or if
it is your only valid option while on-duty. Do not injure/kill for revenge, personal gain, grudges, etc.The Secret Service may never attack
the president.
I then open fire on John Long because he is at that point a threat to the life of the Police Sergeant who is innocent and totally unarmed. He then opens fire upon me, killing me, and then executes me when I'm on the floor, breaking rule:
11.7 - You cannot kill unarmed people or those who no longer pose a threat (injured, unconscious, handcuffed, etc). The only exception is if
there is a dictator who orders an execution or capital punishment for an appropriate crime has been issued. You can shoot at fleeing
vehicles only if the drivers are armed and dangerous or if they are clearly a threat to citizen/officers with the way they are driving.
Involved: This was a really long night, Force, if you have a longer video please post that as well cos it was deffo not just John that was in the wrong here. I'll bullet point the events of that one faitful night when the admins were offline:
> Leon false demoted me
> He was about to get arrested then someone uncuffed him and John fired when he tried to run away (this was excessive force).
> SWAT all started firing back at Police, SWAT won and the Pres demoted Leon for starting all that shit.
> I became SWAT, Leon became a normal officer.
> Police started firing on John AGAIN after he had already respawned. SWAT started firing on police again and lost.
> GamerPro handled the situation very well and calmed everyone down.
> We went upstairs to speak to the Pres about Leon and John's demotion.
> SSA started firing on Pres and PD, VP was killed by SSA.
> I became SSA and so did John. We called SWAT up to deal with the SSA member who killed the VP.
> SWAT ended up killing all the SSA then left. (including me and John, I was afk trying to make a PR on the other SSA guy but forums were down, and when I got back I was busy getting shot by SWAT).
As you can see, there was far too much shit going on to punish one individual, as you can hear he stated it was an accident in the video, but Police fired on all SWAT anyway.
Involved- at the time i was S.W.A.T you can see me in the background near the tarus whilst this was happening ( i did not ingage in any of the fire-fights which occurred between government officials during this whole ordeal) Basically what Tyrone said sums it up a lot as seen in the video and what is written in ForceGhosts PR are both very accurate to what happend that night, there was a lot of chaos and a lot of misunderstanding's and also mentioned who de-escalated the situation was able to fully resolve the situation, this night was extremely hectic and un organised with a lot of arguing, swearing and a lot of, again misunderstanding's with-in the situation the action which rev's the whole ordeal from 0 to 100 in seconds is the misc click by the S.W.A.T Which he apologized for (again as seen in the video) then backs off and does not continue to fire any more shot's ForceGhost then fires the MR96 at the S.W.A.T which was a reasonable response considering everyone was pointing guns at each other however the true collapse of this situation is where ForceGhost continues to fire (which im not blaming him for adrenaline is pumping and again it was a stressful situation) in response to Force ghost firing two to three shots towards the S.W.A.T in response to the shotgun being fired misses all of his bullets at this time the S.W.A.T can be sen reacting by killing Force Ghost (personally the execution was a bit much but again adrenaline was pumping in a high stress situation where everyone was pointing gun's) then the video stops further on what Tyrone has described accurately sums up the rest of the situation with Gamer pro Slowing everyone down telling everyone to take a deep breath and from there things de-escalate with everyone seezing fire after a few arrest's and demotions and things where dandy and fine the i log off which is where Tyrones description of the incident with the SSA kick's off by this time though i had logged off thinking that to much was going on for me at such a late time, personally i think this night should be forgotten and this PR should be Voided and closed because as explained this whole night was just one big misunderstanding with alot of un-fortunate mistakes and bad decsision's of ocurse this is up to staff and to decide.
Thank you taking your time to read this explanation
(Apr 29, 2018, 07:28 PM)Tyrone DeShawn Wrote: [ -> ]As you can see, there was far too much shit going on to punish one individual, as you can hear he stated it was an accident in the video, but Police fired on all SWAT anyway.
The accidental discharge doesn't account for executing a LEO on the ground as a S.W.A.T member.
I do have a slightly longer video (Maybe an additional minute prior) that shows from when I arrived on scene, but this only adds a FearRP breakage to the above from John Long and I can provide this if staff deem it necessary.
From the footage you can quite clearly see me fire a shot at the S.W.A.T officer prior to him claiming it was a misclick. Something that I do seriously doubt considering he took the time to aim at Leon prior to "misclicking"
I'd also like to point out that the accused is currently forum banned so a reply might take a while.
(Apr 30, 2018, 02:09 AM)ForceGhost Wrote: [ -> ]I'd also like to point out that the accused is currently forum banned so a reply might take a while.
ill quote him dont worry
(Apr 30, 2018, 01:56 AM)ForceGhost Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 29, 2018, 07:28 PM)Tyrone DeShawn Wrote: [ -> ]As you can see, there was far too much shit going on to punish one individual, as you can hear he stated it was an accident in the video, but Police fired on all SWAT anyway.
The accidental discharge doesn't account for executing a LEO on the ground as a S.W.A.T member.
I do have a slightly longer video (Maybe an additional minute prior) that shows from when I arrived on scene, but this only adds a FearRP breakage to the above from John Long and I can provide this if staff deem it necessary.
From the footage you can quite clearly see me fire a shot at the S.W.A.T officer prior to him claiming it was a misclick. Something that I do seriously doubt considering he took the time to aim at Leon prior to "misclicking"
i totally agree with everything you are saying here, but after he said 'sorry misc click' you continued to fire upon him, the S.W.A.T then fired back killing you after you shot 2-3 bullets missing all of them (and im not blaming you for anything Force i would have done the excact same in your possision and after thought i still cant think of anyway after the shot was fired the whole situation could have been calmed down), again this is where the situation goes from 0-1000 really quick and instincts to kill kick in, Now again the execution was way out off line here i fully agree with that and im not choosing sides there was a lot wrong choices with how the whole situation was handled honestly like how Gamer pro calmed everyone down should have been done way earlier into the situation rather than after people where killed and demoted, again i am not taking wny sides with the problem that night, as a member of the S.W.A.T who watched a lot of this go down i just wanted to give in-put towards the situation and how some smaller details which where missed could have been massive roles in this whole situation and could have changed the outcome, Thanks ForeGhost

I hope this can be resolved in a way wher everyone is happy, i have given all of my possible input to the situation and will not be commenting further un-less asked to by Staff, becaause i believe i have said everything that could help with this situation, although if you want me to answer anything else than just Tag my name again and ill check out what i'm needed for in this PR, Again thanks
This is what John messaged me on discord, I am quoting him on this and none of this is in my own words:
"I quite clearly said it was a miss click in the video and then it went to shit with everyone shooting each other. Why do you not report the SWAT sergeant and a few other police officers taking part in the SWAT/PD 'war'. Also if your going to report someone please spell their name correctly."
Alright so people are trying to explain the situation but I would need evidence to back those claims up, I did hear him say mis-click when he opened fire so that isn't a major concern, what is a concern is the execution performed by John.
In addition i'd like to see screenshots of chat between John and Tyrone to confirm that you are being his spokesperson for this PR since he is banned.
(Apr 30, 2018, 10:15 PM)26\ Wrote: [ -> ]Alright so people are trying to explain the situation but I would need evidence to back those claims up, I did hear him say mis-click when he opened fire so that isn't a major concern, what is a concern is the execution performed by John.
In addition i'd like to see screenshots of chat between John and Tyrone to confirm that you are being his spokesperson for this PR since he is banned.
ill pm you screenshots of our chat on discord
Edit: Just got kicked from the LL discord wtf
Alright so what I have found here was he was in violation of rule 11.7. I have spoke with him on discord and it's also apparent in the video that it was a misfire and not intentional.