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Full Version: PR -> Tyrone DeShawn
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Reported Players: Tyrone DeShawn (STEAM_0:1:118528806)  ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Apr-23 22:37
Summary: He crashed into my car and I got out to ask for the money to repair it, then he pulled a shotgun on me as job title "Male Prostitute" and threatened me, after he put his gun away I pulled out mine then put it away again then he murdered me. 2 cop cars showed up and he ran towards them and shot at them, (I didn't screenshot this sorry but you can check logs). He shot at cops and killed me and judging by what the cops were saying, he injured an officer, (unconscious). This was really annoying as I had just been pulled out of RP twice for having the job title "roadman", so I feel like if I couldn't get away with something as little as that, he shouldn't be able to get away with a shootout and murder as a prostitute. Sorry for using my ID I didn't get his.
Sorry for low res, my internet is shit so I have bad upload speed.
Player report approved.

Seeing how I don't find it logical on any means for a male prostitute to be carrying around a shotgun and engaging in such acts, player will be issued a day and a half's suspension for violation of rule 3.1

Thanks for the report.