Apr 21, 2018, 01:03 AM
ID: 5ada71d9ac4834b098e73296
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default): N/A
Description: Using the elevator tool, you can max out your prop count. The end result is not being to spawn props and or a limited prop count.
Bug observed since: 4/20/18 6:47PM
Images/Screenshots: -SEE BELOW FOR PICTURES-
Steps to Reproduce:
The first step is to decide to make an elevator during your day to day activities.
The second step is to spawn a prop. (Start with the picture above.)
3. Select your elevator tool.
4. Set your elevator and soon thereafter realize the speed and or length was wrong. (Note: YOU DO NOT have to change any values to cause the bug to happen. Simply spamming the tool in anger will cause it to rise.)
5. Notice your prop count went up.
6. Click it out of anger.
7. Sit there quietly with your limited props wondering what you should do.
Special thank you to Ousmn and Nightmare. Thanks in advance guys, have a wonderful day!
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default): N/A
Description: Using the elevator tool, you can max out your prop count. The end result is not being to spawn props and or a limited prop count.
Bug observed since: 4/20/18 6:47PM
Images/Screenshots: -SEE BELOW FOR PICTURES-
Steps to Reproduce:
The first step is to decide to make an elevator during your day to day activities.
The second step is to spawn a prop. (Start with the picture above.)
3. Select your elevator tool.
4. Set your elevator and soon thereafter realize the speed and or length was wrong. (Note: YOU DO NOT have to change any values to cause the bug to happen. Simply spamming the tool in anger will cause it to rise.)
5. Notice your prop count went up.
6. Click it out of anger.
7. Sit there quietly with your limited props wondering what you should do.
Special thank you to Ousmn and Nightmare. Thanks in advance guys, have a wonderful day!