ID: 5ad5d7b5638222dd5efbc7e0
Service [Forums/UCP/TeamSpeak/Stock Exchange/Etc]: Forums
Description: font auto chanigng size
Bug observed since: yeserday
Steps to Reproduce: Unsure.
Thank you for your bug-report, B..!
It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
I don't think it has resizing for phones.
This is not a responsive theme, and to do that would take too much time and effort considering a new one is being worked on, hence why it doesn't automatically resize to your screen's width/height ratio.
(Apr 17, 2018, 06:18 PM)_Cole Wrote: [ -> ]This is not a responsive theme, and to do that would take too much time and effort considering a new one is being worked on, hence why it doesn't automatically resize to your screen's width/height ratio.
Well currently it's not being worked on as IIRC, Noble is working on other projects as he got into some sort of car crash.
Ahh okay, I just thought it was weird. You can go ahead and close this
The new theme is still on its way, it just may take a little while longer.
Ticket Status Updated
Closed to Resolved