So well.. I want to do some small edits of Video clips but i reset my PC once and with this uninstalled the Movie Maker.
I wanted to redownload it but all Sites seem pretty shady and the only site i downloaded the installer included a malware.
So does anyone have the Installer or a Safe download link?
idk why they had to remove it from windows 10. i would have made some dank meme compilations.
Just aquire Sony Vegas or After Effects. You can thank me later

I can't help you unfortunately as I can't remember where I downloaded mine from, but when I tried it, it didn't work very well with Windows 10.
If you just need to remux and/or cut clips, I'd recommend Avidemux. It doesn't reprocess the file, so it's very quick and doesn't mess up when you use videos with variable frame rates (such as those created with GeForce Experience).
Otherwise, you could try DaVinci Resolve. It's free and full of features. The only downside is that it's not as easy to use and it's very hardware intensive.
(Apr 17, 2018, 12:02 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]Just aquire Sony Vegas or After Effects. You can thank me later 
“Small video edits”.
The man doesn’t need to make Star Trek 10.
Microsoft Live Essentials was taken down a few months ago. For Win10, apparently the photos app can do editing now?
Else, just do a google search for free video editor.
(Apr 19, 2018, 07:20 PM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]Piratebay.
Not like that Windows Movie Maker was a free program.
Sony Vegas is £15 on Humble bundle right now down from 400 that's worth getting
Get Shotcut, it's free, it's my alternative for Windows Movie Maker. It's good for small video edits, I made some nice memes with it such as this one
Well.. i already have that. But the thing is that i never seem to be able to get the Audio Lines to work properly, better said add music to a video.
I don't even know how to use movie maker lol
Just don't be poor and get Adobe CC so you can use Adobe Premiere Pro for standard edits and After Effects if you wanted to get a little intricate. Great investment and is fairly cheap considering the student discount.
(Apr 23, 2018, 10:34 PM)Nevy Wrote: [ -> ]Just don't be poor and get Adobe CC so you can use Adobe Premiere Pro for standard edits and After Effects if you wanted to get a little intricate. Great investment and is fairly cheap considering the student discount.
If you do wanna go the more advanced route, Nev’s right about the student discount. It’s somehwere around $100 a year for all Adobe products, they stock images, and I think 15gb of cloud storage.