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This is my fishy fish store. i got 220 fishy fish in stock. make a reply here and we will meet.

220 just sold. Will restock tomorrow when I get more.
How much you want for them?
(Apr 16, 2018, 12:28 AM)Gamerpro2266 Wrote: [ -> ]How much you want for them?

Name your price sir
When you get more fish hmu il pay good
(Apr 24, 2018, 02:21 AM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]When you get more fish hmu il pay good

I have 300 more in stock. Price is 800 each.
(Apr 24, 2018, 02:48 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 24, 2018, 02:21 AM)Pufitee Wrote: [ -> ]When you get more fish hmu il pay good

I have 300 more in stock. Price is 800 each.
240k for some mackerel, nah im good g