Apr 10, 2018, 02:33 AM
Reported Players: GangGang_x (STEAM_0:1:189200060) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Apr-10 20:05
Summary: Videos Will explain GangGang Minging with his taser Over and over and he arrested me because of my voice and my voice is not supposed to be a OOC Its supposed to sound like a females voice IC but he or she said your voice is annoying and i said thats a IC Not OOC And then they proceeded to taser me and arrest me
https://youtu.be/8N1tm3CL-sM Tased me for no resson and if there was a resson he or she said Your voice is annoying and then Tased me and kept on tasing me for no resson
https://youtu.be/NZf2Bz9x7Is Attempt of RDM And Taser Minged
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Apr-10 20:05
Summary: Videos Will explain GangGang Minging with his taser Over and over and he arrested me because of my voice and my voice is not supposed to be a OOC Its supposed to sound like a females voice IC but he or she said your voice is annoying and i said thats a IC Not OOC And then they proceeded to taser me and arrest me