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Full Version: PR -> GangGang_x
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Reported Players: GangGang_x (STEAM_0:1:189200060) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Apr-10 20:05
Summary: Videos Will explain GangGang Minging with his taser Over and over and he arrested me because of my voice and my voice is not supposed to be a OOC Its supposed to sound like a females voice IC but he or she said your voice is annoying and i said thats a IC Not OOC And then they proceeded to taser me and arrest me
Evidence: Tased me for no resson and if there was a resson he or she said Your voice is annoying and then Tased me and kept on tasing me for no resson Attempt of RDM And Taser Minged
I didnt even minge you were being rude funny you didnt get that on camera
Under Review
, please explain why you tased Bryce in the cells?

, your 2nd video has some issues...
Well i arrested him for being rude to officers and he was calling me a bitch and a cunt so i arrested him for Being rude
(Apr 10, 2018, 01:30 PM)GangGang_x Wrote: [ -> ]Well i arrested him for being rude to officers and he was calling me a bitch and a cunt so i arrested him for Being rude

(Apr 10, 2018, 12:07 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]"GangGang_x", please explain why you tased Bryce in the cells?
Ok so my Graphics card is being really crappy and my parents would not tolerate me swearing. I like to swear for fun when my parents are not home because it gives me relief. And i did not call you a cunt or a bitch thank you 

And you arrested me for my annoying voice ok. my recording started late when you we're assaulting me and harassing me because of my age also
And I'm not saying i don't swear because i do swear. I wouldn't disrespect anyone OOC Or In IC I would have some fun and we would both have fun.
From the evidence provided, it seems as though the accused only went to the jails to continue to harrass and tase Bryce. , why did you go down to the jails?
To say why did u be rude to me
Player Report Approved.

Player will be issued a suspension from Police and SWAT due to misuse of Police Tools.
Suspension extended due to active blacklist, demonstrating a failure of responsible use of Police Tools.