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Full Version: Panic buttons don't work in certain locations
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ID: 5aca98d78a0a611950080647

Map (if not default):
Description: Panic button doesn't work when you are on side of the road or on a cross road

Example - 
  • where Martin does his chef rp by sliver warehouse doesn't show a location.
  • Where school RP was today panic buttons doesn't work there.
  • Where bring does prisonRP panic button doesn't work there.
Bug observed since: today
Steps to Reproduce:
Goto 1 of them location hit a panic button
Doesn't give a location.

Might be something to do with this
Thank you for your bug-report, Gamerpro2266!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
That is due to the %l being bugged and not registering where you are. Because that was what I used to code it in.
Aye. Would require redoing the entire location system across the map.
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from New to Confirmed
Any chance of a list of all the locations that have issues?
I believe it when you drive off road on US roads
Prison has been fixed.
It also dosent work at slums car park
Ticket Status Updated

Changed from Confirmed to Closed