Limelight Forums

Full Version: Duplicate Ragdolls
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ID: 5ac68b546e21268a42fc4870

Server [Rockford/Build/Event]:

Map (if not default):

Unable to duplicate a dupe with ragdolls connected in any way shape or form, whether it is welding or no-collide. It shows "Ghosting 0%" constantly but if attempting to dupe soemthing else, it is fine.

Bug observed since:
Being able to spawn Ragdolls.

None Available

Steps to Reproduce:
Weld ragdoll to prop.
dupe it.
Thank you for your bug-report, Sours!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Have you tried duping just the ragdoll?
Thank you for your report!
This isn't an issue anymore due to Advanced Duplicator 2.

[Image: Vz0gbow.gif]