Apr 5, 2018, 01:43 AM
![[Image: 2TXie2d.png]](https://i.imgur.com/2TXie2d.png)
Out of Character Information
Steam Name: Phoebe
Steam ID:
Your Age: 20s
Hours on server: 15
RP Events you have been in: 0
Reps Issued: 0
Ban History on Limelight: 0
Blacklist History on Limelight: 0
Warning history on Limelight: 0
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for:
Security Division
Full Name: Phoebe Turney
All Nicknames: Pheebz
Age: 30
Date of Application: 05/04/2018
Date of birth: 21 / 03 /1988
Gender: F
Place of Birth: Storn
Telephone Number: Don't own a phone
Mobile: ^
Driver's License Number: Pheebz
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 784 Rould Road
Zip code: HU9 98HA
Suburb / City: Storn
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Never Moved
Zip code: ^
Suburb / City ^
Why are you applying? I want to be apart of the FUMUKU family tree.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? Growing up in a tough world...alone.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I can bring a lot to the FUMUKU family including great conversations.
What will you offer FUMUKU? Friendly, creative game play,
Character Bio: Left an orphan at a young age. Had to survive on very little knowledge and understanding of the big wide world. Times have been tough but grew into a wise, independent woman.