INVOLVED I was on when all this was going on:
I think that monk and his friends were just havin a little fun and I really dont think that it should escalate to a PR but i think that it was just a little goof
CLEARLY we were referring to each other
(Apr 2, 2018, 03:40 AM)monk Wrote: [ -> ]CLEARLY we were referring to each other
Mind explaining why on that console screenshot (first one) are you referring to me and on the 2nd screenshot of the console logs who you may be referring to "ol fresh outta jrotc" "3.ugly head ass" "ol cadet airman first class having ass" and "ol toothpaste for deodorant having ass? And from what I can see in the screenshots, your friends are also trying to insult Leon.
If you say that you were "referring to each other" then why didn't you use local OOC or PM instead?
You know the United Nations says that everyone has the right to an opinion as well as the right to express it. Better shut this op down before it becomes a human rights violation.
Anyways, this was prime banter time on the server and we were just memeing you. That being said, Fooj and Leon's case transcends the server's rules as they've been beefing since the second grade. Admins can't ban either of them from catching each other in the streets and swinging. You ever hear Hopsin diss Tyler the Creator? Yeah me neither. But I imagine it's the same.
Quote:1.4 - Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat, and do not write caps-locked messages. While you can be sexist/racist/otherwise
discriminatory In-Character, this must not carry over to OOC.
Excuse me, but this is a server rule, so there can be no UDHR here if this rule is imposed
And also, explain to me why are there blacklisted people from OOC for breaking rule 1.4 and no one has even complained about Human Rights stuff?
(Apr 2, 2018, 04:58 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:1.4 - Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat, and do not write caps-locked messages. While you can be sexist/racist/otherwise
discriminatory In-Character, this must not carry over to OOC.
Excuse me, but this is a server rule, so there can be no UDHR here if this rule is imposed
Article 19 says I can impart my information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
(Apr 2, 2018, 05:03 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]And also, explain to me why are there blacklisted people from OOC for breaking rule 1.4 and no one has even complained about Human Rights stuff?
It's a sad day when people aren't aware that their very rights and liberties are being SNATCHED away right from under their noses.
(Apr 2, 2018, 08:01 AM)monk Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 2, 2018, 04:58 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:1.4 - Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat, and do not write caps-locked messages. While you can be sexist/racist/otherwise
discriminatory In-Character, this must not carry over to OOC.
Excuse me, but this is a server rule, so there can be no UDHR here if this rule is imposed
Article 19 says I can impart my information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
(Apr 2, 2018, 05:03 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]And also, explain to me why are there blacklisted people from OOC for breaking rule 1.4 and no one has even complained about Human Rights stuff?
It's a sad day when people aren't aware that their very rights and liberties are being SNATCHED away right from under their noses.
Well, I don't see any Un-blacklist request for OOC due to "Art. 19 of the UDHR violation" and look at my blacklists for OOC, and not in anyone of then have I appealed due to "Article 19" if you so desire, you can take this up to anyone in the Administration team, no problem by me, and in here; I'd like to request you to keep this on-topic
Well maybe there should be some. And I'll have you know that I did stay on topic, you just decided to start talking about the joke of my post and not the part where I explained we were bantering it up with you.
(Apr 2, 2018, 08:16 AM)monk Wrote: [ -> ]Well maybe there should be some. And I'll have you know that I did stay on topic, you just decided to start talking about the joke of my post and not the part where I explained we were bantering it up with you.
Well you should know the difference of banter and insulting someone, if you'd simply but a simple "(jk)" at the end of your sentences that would've been fine by me, and keep in mind that the server population at the time didn't also appreciate your actions, which weren't expressed by some of them
I'll have you know half of my "insults" were recycled from the group chat roast sessions. That being said, were I on the receiving end I feel that I would have been able to tell they were just jokes based on the tone/wording and the fact that they were really stupid.
Player Report Approved.
Whilst the insults may have been directed towards each-other in the most case, during the later segments of evidence, they were directed towards others.
Since this is monk's first offence, he will be issued a warning.
Due to the priors of Foojile and Dick, 10 hour and 8 hour OOC blacklists will be applied.