Mar 2, 2018, 05:11 PM
Your Name:
Issued by: [[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]L²:M] Stell90[/font]
Blacklist ID: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]74189[/font]
Server: Rockford
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I really want to play as gov or just normal as an LJS Member, But without weapons, it takes a chunk of my RP away, I have learned my lesson and won't do this again. This also has been the first RP server I joined, and so I don't have experience like the average player will
Issued by: [[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]L²:M] Stell90[/font]
Blacklist ID: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]74189[/font]
Server: Rockford
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I really want to play as gov or just normal as an LJS Member, But without weapons, it takes a chunk of my RP away, I have learned my lesson and won't do this again. This also has been the first RP server I joined, and so I don't have experience like the average player will