Your Name: IVNT/ Richieb
Warning ID: 3401
Issued by: [L²] Blackdog
Reason: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Do not advertise gambling sites on Limelight[/font]
Why should it be removed?: He didn't give me a verbal warning and Blackdog is the only staff member to ever to this. Other members of staff have seen me with it in my name yet they've done nothing. So I don't see the issue...
Evidence: N/A
I spoke to you before issueing the warning.
I inform people 2-3 times via pms to remove the advertisement, and should they fail to do so go to them to speak to them about the issue.
Upon a log check at first this was a verbal warning only, until you began to give me unneeded attitude, at that point a warning was needed on record to inform staff if future instances of you doing this come up.
A warnings purpose is to be on record to inform staff in the future of actions you have been warnned for, and to take appropriate action in the future should this come up.
Do you have anything more to add to this before it is concluded?
(Feb 24, 2018, 09:07 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]I spoke to you before issueing the warning.
I inform people 2-3 times via pms to remove the advertisement, and should they fail to do so go to them to speak to them about the issue.
Upon a log check at first this was a verbal warning only, until you began to give me unneeded attitude, at that point a warning was needed on record to inform staff if future instances of you doing this come up.
A warnings purpose is to be on record to inform staff in the future of actions you have been warnned for, and to take appropriate action in the future should this come up.
Do you have anything more to add to this before it is concluded?
I didn't have attitude, i simply asked what the problem was with having it and you chose to believe that it was attitude. Can you tell me the rule it's breaking?
The advertisement in your name falls under 1.7:
- 1.7 – Do not advertise other servers and GMod communities in any way.
In the future do not place advertisments of any kind into your name: Be it another community, or a site advertising gambling to children, they will not be accepted.
Appeal Denied