Your Name: Amy Zharkan
Ban ID: 6136
Banned by:[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][L²] Enzyme [/font]
Server: CityRp2
Ban Reason: Insulting and threatening staff members
Why should you be unbanned?: Well I do admit to doing that stuff but to be honest it's been a long time and I really miss playing on limelight and I honestly just wished that stuff were handled differently that day but it just felt like nobody was helping me when someone was breaking the rules and that pissed me off which led me to do what I did but I do apologize for my actions and I am looking for a new start.
Evidence: Evidence is that I do admit to breaking the rules, insulting staff and also threatening one of them although it wasn't a very serious threat like dangerous or even real life based was ingame related so I don't see it as a serious threat but it was a threat so I do admit to that and do apologize about that and hope we can start a new page
The staff-members have received your unban-request, zharkan16.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Under review as I'm reviewing case notes. Thank you for your patience.
No problem!

Take your time

I also want to add I know my ban is a permaban but honestly I do take full blame for my actions and I just want to say that the threat was maybe misunderstood I meant it ingame not real life based which is how many people are taking it and honestly I been banned for 4 months and I just wanna go back to playing... I am not affecting anyone, I will stay to myself, and idk I don't mind being closely monitored I just miss playing =/
You claim that the thread was ingame yet the threat against Nightmare was over Steam. You were warned multiple times by Nightmare but you continued, ignoring the warnings you received.
Every single ban you have is because of player and staff disrespect. It's a record that speaks for itself really. Your attitude has been an issue from the start and I fail to see how we can trust you to keep calm and mature. I personally fail
As the threatening did involve me, I feel like I should probably add some input and my opinion into this case.
Zharkan, this is not the first time where your anger has gotten the best of you. All 8 of your bans involve the one same constant - disrespect. Respectfully, it seems that when something begins to sway out of hand for you and otherwise not to your liking, then you tend to lash out. How can we be sure, if this ban was to be lifted, that you won't just continue doing the same thing over and over?
I understand it's been some time, and people do change however I was not the only one you disrespected Zharkan, I was just one of the members of staff that you lashed out on, and to think that players were included in this too?
I know that all my bans were for staff disrespect or disrespect in general and the threat was through steam I agree but it wasn't a threat to his life, It was saying I will kill him when I am unbanned as he just banned me so that should have been clear that it wasn't a real life threat and about the rage and anger issue to be honest I try to control however I know if I blame the staff team that day I will just get tons of hate so what I can say is I am nice until someone pushes me and that day that cop and staff team were pushing me because cop failrp and staff didn't do anything so I just paid the cop then he RDA's me and that's when I lost it.
I honestly believe if staff handled the situation differently that day it would have been way better because honestly been 4 months because some kid who had less than 10 hours on the server decided to failrp and literally mug me as a cop and he wasn't corrupt just a minge and I called staff and they said he wasn't doing anything wrong so I was like ok I will just try to calm down and pay him so I did, later he arrested me for no reason at all now I know that sounds dumb to rage over but I play video games to escape real life and I am honestly not looking to play and get harassed or get RDAed and sit a few minutes in jail because some other player thought he is sooo cool and he enjoys RP while I sit in jail for no reason =/
I do try working on my anger issue a lot but to be honest it doesn't help if nobody was on my side but I honestly think it won't happen again as most of the saff dis was on steam and I don't have any staff on my steam so when I am angry ill target my anger towards my friend who always calms me down
About the player he was a close friend that I did call an idiot or something along those lines and the reason for that was because he wasn't the brightest and he always got in trouble so I had to always be there with him and actually we are still friends till this day and I really do love him and it was just one of those moments when we fought to be honest it wasn't just a random insult we fought that day but it won't happen again I will just mind my own business, make money, enjoy my Aston Martin DB11 and just have fun solo because I honestly miss the server and I still feel sad that I got banned ONE day after buying my aston martin
I strongly disagree with that statement.
We as staff members are volunteering to do what we do. At the end of the day, any and all punishments we issue fall under our discretion. Whilst I don't mind the whole "Oh damn really? A suspension?", you took it way too far and rather than being calm and addressing it with HR about how you think it was handled, you took it upon yourself to lash out which isn't something we're forced to take as staff members.
(Feb 12, 2018, 11:57 PM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]I strongly disagree with that statement.
We as staff members are volunteering to do what we do. At the end of the day, any and all punishments we issue fall under our discretion. Whilst I don't mind the whole "Oh damn really? A suspension?", you took it way too far and rather than being calm and addressing it with HR about how you think it was handled, you took it upon yourself to lash out which isn't something we're forced to take as staff members.
I do agree with you but at the time the highest rank on was Blackdog I believe and I was calling him as the cop was mugging me and what triggered me there was I didn't even see him TP or anything but instead he said that the cop isn't doing anything wrong and thats when I tried to calm down and paid the cop as he mugged me in public and then he just arrests me for no reason.. that's when I raged and I know I took it too far and I take full responsibility but I still believe that if the staff team handled it differently that day things would have been way better.
Again, if you weren't happy or thought that it may of been wrong, then you should of approached HR and calmly asked to talk over the situation with them where I'm sure they would of helped you to highlight any misunderstandings. Lashing out and disrespecting us is not the way to go.
(Feb 13, 2018, 12:02 AM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]Again, if you weren't happy or thought that it may of been wrong, then you should of approached HR and calmly asked to talk over the situation with them where I'm sure they would of helped you to highlight any misunderstandings. Lashing out and disrespecting us is not the way to go.
I agree but I have an anger issue where when I am mad I just rage to let it all out but if I was mistaken I usually say sorry later and that's what I did after the threat and all I got back was an ignore then deleted
(Feb 13, 2018, 12:02 AM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]Again, if you weren't happy or thought that it may of been wrong, then you should of approached HR and calmly asked to talk over the situation with them where I'm sure they would of helped you to highlight any misunderstandings. Lashing out and disrespecting us is not the way to go.
I am not saying my anger issue is my excuse I still do take blame for that but I just wasn't thinking straight at the time =/
All I am asking for is to return back it's been 4 months I think that was a long break and I think I can control my anger and I won't bother anyone and if I am seen starting fights you can please stop me and tell me I mean im not perfect but I honestly do try to control my anger it's just sometimes with the stress I have irl I just explode and I am sorry for that but I just want to enjoy my time I don't do it on purpose to ruin anyone's day or be a dick to people it just sorta happens and that's why it's my fault because I can't control my explosion but tbh I will just work extra hard on controlling it but please just give me a chance