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Full Version: UBLR: banter boy invent
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Your Name: banter boy invent

Issued by:  [L²]Doctor Internet  

Blacklist ID: 73919

Server: Main

Why should you be unblacklisted?: I had no sit, no PR, doctor internet wasn't even in game so i'd like to know why he blacklisted me and decided to kick me too. During the time of everything going on, Cole, Gungranny and Quest were involved. I joined the server and Cole decided to be slightly cocky when he THOUGHT i got something wrong. I'd like to know when I was 'insulting people' and how I didn't stop. The fact Cole decided to message Quest after everything happened this saying to 'keep out of it' acting like he had higher authority over him is a bit rude. I'd like a full explanation of my blacklist so I can debunk it all bit by bit, thank you.

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, SourLemon.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
I believe either was notified of your OOC arguing and continuous harassment of others. That's all I can really say. From what I saw personally, you just kept arguing in OOC when multiple players (including myself) told you to stop.
" The fact Cole decided to message Quest after everything happened this saying to 'keep out of it' acting like he had higher authority over him is a bit rude. " - That has nothing to do with the situation and I am requesting it is taken out of your reasoning.
Since when did users/teachers have authority over other users to tell them to stop, wouldn't that be classed as backseat administrating?
(Feb 3, 2018, 08:55 PM)SourLemon Wrote: [ -> ]Since when did users/teachers have authority over other users to tell them to stop, wouldn't that be classed as backseat administrating?

They don't. Anyone can say to stay out of something. It would be backseat administrating if they attempted to use powers to force a punishment on you for not following the order. Sadly though, this is offtopic of the blacklist you're appealing.
I don't understand how what I did is any different to what Cole did, can u please explain how you being cocky and rubbing a 'mistake' in my face is different to me doing that
Bambo -
You might've been on the server but you have no direct connection to the case besides reading OOC, that would give 27-28 people the permission to post which would stir this request into chaos. Only those affected and directly involved should be posting.
I was sitting next to internet, we both went through the logs and he decided on the blacklist. He didn't kick you that would have been someone else.

Denied on internet's behalf.