I'm thinking about starting a Police training session monthly. I still don't know all the details, but I have a basic idea of how I want it to go. My plan will be to let it be open to the public, but there will only be a certain amount of slots per training session.
I will need training leaders, mostly people that know a lot about police stuff. I, myself, will most likely being doing traffic training, so traffic stops, pursuits, speed trapping, spike strip precautions, traffic accidents, etc. More tactical leaders will be doing house clearing, active shooters, etc. Basic training will be radio communication, weapon safety, weapon use situations, etc. Leadership training will be setting up a department, proper punishments, giving orders, etc. I would love for people to go to all of the training sessions, but idk how it will work on time. People might only be allowed 2-3 training sessions per training event.
I want to try and work with a schedule for each training session to try and cut each one down to 2 hours max, preferably 1 1/2 hours. I don't know if this should be an event server deal or just do it on the build server, idk, but I will figure it out once I get more people on board. My goal of doing this is to get more people in the community not be the minge police, as I don't support a whitelisted PD.
As for myself, I have taken a year of High School Law Enforcement, almost a full year of police training at my local police department, and just a huge interest in the police force.
Maybe, we could start training for all departments of the government: paramedics, firemen, SWAT, etc. But I wouldn't be in-charge of that, those are things that I don't excel at, but would love to organize.
If you would like to help set up or contribute in any way please contact me or post here. If you don't want to get directly involved, you can post ideas and other such things here, as well as give input on whether I should actually continue with this.
it would be cool if you did an actual ride-along type thing if you were teaching stuff like traffic stops. its not really dangerous, obviously you wouldnt want to get into a high speed chase with the people inside, but you could also teach good speed trap spots and stuff like that. it would keep people more interested in what youre doing. or if you dont feel like doing that, i think a scripted traffic stop would also work (if you didnt already plan on doing it). i just feel like 1 1/2 - 2 hours is a lot of time, especially on LL where everyone's like 13. keeping it shorter and more hands-on will attract more people
I was thinking about doing something similar to this, but not an academy.
If time permitted me to do it, it would be a Government CoC involving 4 dept's:
Marion County Fire Department
Mercy Hospital Emergency Services (Technically would be private, but none the less would be attached to the system)
Rockford Police Department
Rockford Emergency Communications
The CoC would not be official by LL's standards, but it would be more of a "Everyone recognizes" it. You apply for positions and if you get approved get a ride along with already members of the CoC when they're available.
For instance, Toxic may hold a Fire Chief position and be able to have a new applicant ride with him and teach him how to be a fireman or first responder for the Fire Dept.
After this, they would get a position on the CoC publicly somewhere on the forums.
Same would go for all branches, including the Communications branch (Dispatch).
Through this, we still won't have any whitelisted positions. Players that are Captains on the CoC may not get the job IG because of someone taking the position that isn't aware of the CoC. But the main goal is to have it where their rank is noticed and the powered is transitioned to the highest rank.
For instance, say Wesley is a Lt. in the RPD. The Sgt job is filled by me with a rank of Sergeant in the CoC. Because I know he is the highest rank on PD, he gets leadership of the PD and I transfer power to him.
The goal is to see a uniformed, long lasting government, that knows what they're doing. The best part would be that we would see all departments working together if the word is spread to unknown members of the CoC.
Now, the CoC wouldn't be totally realistic as no one like full on realism in some aspects. It just isn't fun. However, it would involve the Dispatch Board, Crime Reports, and Fining Records. The Crime Reports would be public via the CoC page and would be under the "FBI UCR" (Or Uniformed Crime Report). I may start it, but it would take a while. Gotta write policies, procedures, ranks, the actual forum, get with people involved in the actual fields (Toxic and Wesley are the only ones that come to mind), and rules and regulations to avoid NLR violations and being able to take away ranks.
(Jan 31, 2018, 07:51 AM)Bismo Wrote: [ -> ]it would be cool if you did an actual ride-along type thing if you were teaching stuff like traffic stops. its not really dangerous, obviously you wouldnt want to get into a high speed chase with the people inside, but you could also teach good speed trap spots and stuff like that. it would keep people more interested in what youre doing. or if you dont feel like doing that, i think a scripted traffic stop would also work (if you didnt already plan on doing it). i just feel like 1 1/2 - 2 hours is a lot of time, especially on LL where everyone's like 13. keeping it shorter and more hands-on will attract more people
Yeah maybe we can have different teaching sessions with different times, and people will only attend the one they want, and only stay there for that specific amount of time.
(Jan 31, 2018, 05:17 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-
I still have some procedures written out somewhere and I believe I still have some PDF somewhere from ArmA III Life as well which might help a bit. I'd have to dig but I really like this idea already,
I still try to strive for a whitelisted government with a few people in-charge of it all and full customization in setting ranks and permissions/authority for each individual in some sub-forum somewhere. I think it'd be really good, but people are a bit held back on the whole whitelisting stuff.
I actually did a little FTO extra/refreshment training class a few days ago with and .
Sorry and , that I didn't get to give you guys the class as well. It took up a bit more time than I expected it would, but it sure was worth it. I'll try and grab you guys along for one of my next trainings as I might start doing that more often. I actually enjoyed being able to pass a bit of knowledge or rather help onto those who were willing to request for it.
As im a police officer myself (2.5Years Training here in Germany) id be curious to see what that whole thing would be about. Id participate.

I would participate as I'm like the worst government rper ever.
Might wanna do a bit of Highway Patrol Training as well (But I’ll mostly hand everything out(jk)), and Also might wanna teach me a bit more about being an officer in the times that you’re available
I'd join probably to get some new codes into my rythm for example.
(Feb 7, 2018, 02:01 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ] Might wanna do a bit of Highway Patrol Training as well (But I’ll mostly hand everything out(jk)), and Also might wanna teach me a bit more about being an officer in the times that you’re available
Sure thing, Rhys. I'll probably pop on for a bunch of hours today but I am going to take a nap first. The shift was long and wore me out a little, lol.
(Feb 7, 2018, 03:16 PM)T-Bone Wrote: [ -> ]I'd join probably to get some new codes into my rythm for example.
Awesome, I could probably cover a short class about that once someone grants me FTO and you're in the force at the same time. I do have to be honest: I don't use a whole lot of the 10-codes that are given in the /codebook as some make no sense to me whatsoever because the majority of states in the US don't use this or that 10-code for said purpose in the /codebook and I have learned differently over years of information and experience I've been gathering by roleplay and outside of the games I use(d) to play.
I do know the majority of them now as they're not that hard to learn, I just don't prefer to use the majority of them when using radio comms.
I'll see you in-game soon, too.

Yes, I know that Wesley, Gungranny , Monkey are top notch officers.
I play mostly as a Politican, and love having Government Meetings discussing the Police with Wesley. Haha.
I do support this, if we can get a better percentage of officers who know what their doing then it would be much easier on everyone.