Jan 28, 2018, 03:46 PM
Murdock Co.
I am happy to announce that Murdock Co. has officaly arrived on Rockford. Like we did in Evo City we offer the Citizens of Rockford a broad selection of Constructions, Decorations and Infrastructure to enrich their every day live.
To do so we are starting to publish a line of interior designs, constructions, buildings and infrastructure elemtents to all interested citizens, free of charge.
The piece we have already published or plan to publish will be listed below.
All you have to do is getting them from the public folder (Advanced Duplicator)
for an optimal experience please be sure to read the instructions
for an optimal experience please be sure to read the instructions
Currently Avaible:
Upcomming Projects:
WIP = Work in Progress | eta = Estimated time of Arrival | prio = prioritsed | ip = in planning
*please note that this is a list of ideas and future projects. It takes a long time to produce propper dupes. Some way be developed throguhout one or two months. If you have special inquirys or suggestion you are welcome to post your ideas below. Coloured WIP notes are given priority.
Rescue Basket & Rapelling Equipment
Mass Casualtie Tent
Firestation Interior [Modular]
Police Station Interior
Sports & Businesses:
Ski Jumping
Name: Rescue Basket & Rapelling equipment
Adress: Mobile
Propcount: 2-Man Version 3 Props / Big Basket 4 Props
This is a fairly plain but vital piece of equipment designed to cater exspecially to the needs of the Rockford Firedepartment. A simple mount and a few meters of rope to rescue anyone struggeling with heights and depths. This piece of equipment allows you to rescue trapped and injured people, or in worst case recover bodies. With different setups: one for rescue of concious/slightly hurt individuals and one for unconcious/heavily injured individuals, you are prepared for all sorts of situations.
If you need to recover a body bag or a injured/unconcious subject you can use the second version "Rescue Basekt Big" that has a larger basket with more depth and width. If you are using either of those pieces on your own you can lower and lift the rope with >Numpad2< and >Numpad3<, as youd have no one to operate the hinge from the top.
Adress: Mobile
Propcount: 2-Man Version 3 Props / Big Basket 4 Props
![[Image: JyOeWxt.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/JyOeWxt.jpg)
This is a fairly plain but vital piece of equipment designed to cater exspecially to the needs of the Rockford Firedepartment. A simple mount and a few meters of rope to rescue anyone struggeling with heights and depths. This piece of equipment allows you to rescue trapped and injured people, or in worst case recover bodies. With different setups: one for rescue of concious/slightly hurt individuals and one for unconcious/heavily injured individuals, you are prepared for all sorts of situations.
If you need to recover a body bag or a injured/unconcious subject you can use the second version "Rescue Basekt Big" that has a larger basket with more depth and width. If you are using either of those pieces on your own you can lower and lift the rope with >Numpad2< and >Numpad3<, as youd have no one to operate the hinge from the top.
Name: Mass Casualtie Tent
Adress: Mobile
Propcount: Full Version 73 Props / Light Version 60 Props
![[Image: YkfUFhv.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/YkfUFhv.jpg)
Although we at Murdock Co. most certainly hope you wont need this piece of equipment its safe to say that you can never be cautious enough. This light weight medical tent offers space for 5 injured individuals at a time. Lots of aditional equipment such as a CT, Monitors, Sample Equipment, a Wheelchair and a rescue Basket will help you to solve even the hardest situations.
Like every piece of Emergency Equipment, this tend is very easy to setup. We recommend placing it "without constraints". For disorientated patients etc. it may help placing invisible chairs onto the strecheers as some people are seemingly unable to /sit after an injurie.
Adress: Mobile
Propcount: Full Version 73 Props / Light Version 60 Props
![[Image: YkfUFhv.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/YkfUFhv.jpg)
Although we at Murdock Co. most certainly hope you wont need this piece of equipment its safe to say that you can never be cautious enough. This light weight medical tent offers space for 5 injured individuals at a time. Lots of aditional equipment such as a CT, Monitors, Sample Equipment, a Wheelchair and a rescue Basket will help you to solve even the hardest situations.
Like every piece of Emergency Equipment, this tend is very easy to setup. We recommend placing it "without constraints". For disorientated patients etc. it may help placing invisible chairs onto the strecheers as some people are seemingly unable to /sit after an injurie.
Name: Firestation - (Modul)
Adress: Firestation
Propcount: Modular
![[Image: PcIYTdc.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/PcIYTdc.jpg)
We decided to propperly equipp the local firestation. With a cosy and comforting Break room and kitchen, a propper reception, a dispatch center and a chief office. To make sure our firefighters stay trained and fit we also added a trainingground where they can train entrap/vehicle-rescues or just propper firefighting. Of course there is more to come as our architects already have plans to propperly equip the Firestations garage and upper floor. But even with the current equipment the day to day job of a Rockford firefighter is getting a lot easier and comfortable.
Each room is published as a seperate component usually counting between 10 and 30 props. This means if you find some firefighters and paramedics to join you youll be able to place down the whole package regardless of how many props you got at your disposal.
If you are using the trainingground please note that the 3 dummys placed inside the vehicles are placed loose, and therefore can be carried out of the car during an excercise. The red vehicle can also be used to train the usage of your Jaws of Life as the door can be removed seperatly (allowing for a realistic training). If you are training on the small fire you gotta look out for a small hidden switch on the rear of the yellow generator. This switch turns the flames on and off (allowing for a propper excercise).
Adress: Firestation
Propcount: Modular
![[Image: PcIYTdc.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/PcIYTdc.jpg)
We decided to propperly equipp the local firestation. With a cosy and comforting Break room and kitchen, a propper reception, a dispatch center and a chief office. To make sure our firefighters stay trained and fit we also added a trainingground where they can train entrap/vehicle-rescues or just propper firefighting. Of course there is more to come as our architects already have plans to propperly equip the Firestations garage and upper floor. But even with the current equipment the day to day job of a Rockford firefighter is getting a lot easier and comfortable.
Each room is published as a seperate component usually counting between 10 and 30 props. This means if you find some firefighters and paramedics to join you youll be able to place down the whole package regardless of how many props you got at your disposal.
If you are using the trainingground please note that the 3 dummys placed inside the vehicles are placed loose, and therefore can be carried out of the car during an excercise. The red vehicle can also be used to train the usage of your Jaws of Life as the door can be removed seperatly (allowing for a realistic training). If you are training on the small fire you gotta look out for a small hidden switch on the rear of the yellow generator. This switch turns the flames on and off (allowing for a propper excercise).
Sports & Businesses:
Ski Jumping
Name: Ski Jump (part)
Adress: US 48 close to US76
Propcount: Modular: 87 split into 1x40 & 1x43+4 props
![[Image: gUFdbtZ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/gUFdbtZ.jpg)
This one is a special treat for christmas and the cold times: The first fully functional ski jumping ramp for Rockford. Its cold outside, we know. But why should u spend the day on your couch when you could keep yourselve warm with a breathtakign sport like ski jumping. Wether you just watch as a visitor (or on the tv) or your try it yourselve. Its gonna be entertaining
If you dont have a sufficient propcount find a buddy to help you spawn it. Youll need 1 person with a proplimit of 40 and one witha proplimit of 50.
You can also use the ramp on your own using the keys for the "release" elevator as explained in the instruction manual.
If the skis got to slow/fast or to far/not far enough you can experient applying different phisical entities to the slope and the ramp lowering or increasing the friction.
Its recommended to place an no collided, RT Camera turned invisible by using either the colour tool or the material tool into the actuall TV Cam thats placed at the end of the slope. This way you can broadcast your event to any RT monitor.
The snowy slope should be turned into the material "ice" using the "phisical entities" tool.
The last part of the slope the one right infront of the audience should be turned into "wood" using the "phisical entities" toolas the higher surface friction is needed to propperly slow down the descending skier.
You will need to apply two elevators with the following settings:
![[Image: Ep6tyvj.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Ep6tyvj.png)
The safety railing on the top of the ramp (small pins) needs to be put back up. Unfortunatly certain ropes dont safe. So juse use an "eleastic" or "rope tool" to connect the top of the 2 pins placed to either side of the ramp. This will give you the impression of a little safety (if you fall down youll get severly hurt still)
Adress: US 48 close to US76
Propcount: Modular: 87 split into 1x40 & 1x43+4 props
![[Image: gUFdbtZ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/gUFdbtZ.jpg)
This one is a special treat for christmas and the cold times: The first fully functional ski jumping ramp for Rockford. Its cold outside, we know. But why should u spend the day on your couch when you could keep yourselve warm with a breathtakign sport like ski jumping. Wether you just watch as a visitor (or on the tv) or your try it yourselve. Its gonna be entertaining
If you dont have a sufficient propcount find a buddy to help you spawn it. Youll need 1 person with a proplimit of 40 and one witha proplimit of 50.
You can also use the ramp on your own using the keys for the "release" elevator as explained in the instruction manual.
If the skis got to slow/fast or to far/not far enough you can experient applying different phisical entities to the slope and the ramp lowering or increasing the friction.
Its recommended to place an no collided, RT Camera turned invisible by using either the colour tool or the material tool into the actuall TV Cam thats placed at the end of the slope. This way you can broadcast your event to any RT monitor.
The snowy slope should be turned into the material "ice" using the "phisical entities" tool.
The last part of the slope the one right infront of the audience should be turned into "wood" using the "phisical entities" toolas the higher surface friction is needed to propperly slow down the descending skier.
You will need to apply two elevators with the following settings:
![[Image: Ep6tyvj.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Ep6tyvj.png)
The safety railing on the top of the ramp (small pins) needs to be put back up. Unfortunatly certain ropes dont safe. So juse use an "eleastic" or "rope tool" to connect the top of the 2 pins placed to either side of the ramp. This will give you the impression of a little safety (if you fall down youll get severly hurt still)
Name: Pooltable
Adress: Mobile Installation
Props: 31 (total)
![[Image: YkcOPdV.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/YkcOPdV.jpg)
This fully functional Pool Table is the perfect addition to any buisiness, bar, mansion or private basement. Its the perfect compact game for you to enjoy with your friends or customers.
Place the Pooltable down first, then place the pool balls on the table (dont paste them at the originial location, just aim your toolgun ontop of the table). As a cue stick its recommended to use the thin cylinders from the "sprops->cylinders" section. The best result will be obtained if you play it with your physgun, thrusting your stick forward for just a few seconds.
Rules can be found here if you need em
Studio 5 Theatre/Concert Hall
(Security-) Office
Mechanical Lot [Modular]
This old cody scrapyard is a place where you can find everything: looking for a snack? need a car repair... or and old toaster? Hey whatabout an old AV Box or could you use a fancy old type writer? Whatever you looking for, whatever some people have thrown away or lost... youll find it hear. The backyard is a perfect place to look for mechanical spares, respray and repair vehicles, while the small store attached to the propperty will provide you with all the good stuff you could possibly need (wether or not you think you would needed). On this scrapyard things might be going a little slower. But who needs to hurry when you can spend your time chatting with the mechanic or just looking through all the curious and strange stuff you can find in the shelfs.
The first version had some of the props duplicated unescessary (2 props inside each other) please use the version labeled "fixed". We apologise for the inconvenience
The hydraulic lift is not operational yet, i mightfix that over time by adding 2 steel bars working as an elevator. Other then that this mechanical lot doesnt realy need any special instructions.
Domnestic/Residential Facilities
Name: Studio 5 - 80 Props
Adress: Black Hawk Towing Garage
Propcount: 80 Props
![[Image: NZK32vs.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/NZK32vs.jpg)
This pretty unique Theatre, placed in the old abandoned Garage of the Black Hawk Towing lot has true character. Behind the old industrail facade lies a trew gem of Rockfords Nightlife, just a block away from the legendary catalysts night club youll have the chance to spend your evening at Rockfords first and probably largest theatre/concert hall. Capable of Holding an audience of 36 Visitors Studio 5 will get your covered for your evening. Wether you wanna see a play, a concert or the latest chat&news on the "Tonight Show" youll be entertained.
To host a music show its recomended to place a small tv in the tv mount that can be seen in the right side of the picture above. If you set this tv to play any music using youtube and advise your visitors to tune in into the tv, you can fill the entire concert hall with HQ music of any kind your like.
As an alternative you could try your skills on the Piano that you can obtain from the "instruments" market.
Its recommended to apply "render overwrite" on most on the interior. If the interior is getting to bright dimm it using the colour tool to apply a darker (grey) colour to the props.
You will need to applie 2 elevators with the following settings
![[Image: LyCRL8W.png]](https://i.imgur.com/LyCRL8W.png)
*Place a keypad on either side and match the keys with the one used for this elevator
Over time we might release differents stage setups (instruments, a talk show layour etc.) Those will then be found in the publicfolder too.
Adress: Black Hawk Towing Garage
Propcount: 80 Props
![[Image: NZK32vs.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/NZK32vs.jpg)
This pretty unique Theatre, placed in the old abandoned Garage of the Black Hawk Towing lot has true character. Behind the old industrail facade lies a trew gem of Rockfords Nightlife, just a block away from the legendary catalysts night club youll have the chance to spend your evening at Rockfords first and probably largest theatre/concert hall. Capable of Holding an audience of 36 Visitors Studio 5 will get your covered for your evening. Wether you wanna see a play, a concert or the latest chat&news on the "Tonight Show" youll be entertained.
To host a music show its recomended to place a small tv in the tv mount that can be seen in the right side of the picture above. If you set this tv to play any music using youtube and advise your visitors to tune in into the tv, you can fill the entire concert hall with HQ music of any kind your like.
As an alternative you could try your skills on the Piano that you can obtain from the "instruments" market.
Its recommended to apply "render overwrite" on most on the interior. If the interior is getting to bright dimm it using the colour tool to apply a darker (grey) colour to the props.
You will need to applie 2 elevators with the following settings
![[Image: LyCRL8W.png]](https://i.imgur.com/LyCRL8W.png)
*Place a keypad on either side and match the keys with the one used for this elevator
Over time we might release differents stage setups (instruments, a talk show layour etc.) Those will then be found in the publicfolder too.
Name: (Security-) Office
Adress: 255 Cosmos
Propcount: 90 Props
![[Image: 3gmt6de.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/3gmt6de.jpg)
This small but neat office is perfect for anyone looking to start his own business. It comes with a cosy reception, a small Boardroom, desk space for 3 Office Workers and a storage room that can be used as a Survelliance Room.
You can turn the door to the storage room into an elevator. We recommend using "allow use" and either no sound or just an arrival sound. Specific instructions for that elevator and for the keypads/the faiding door will come soon. Please contact us if ou have any questions. With the Sourvellaince Room this office is pretty helpfull as a base-office for any security guards or similar.
Adress: 255 Cosmos
Propcount: 90 Props
![[Image: 3gmt6de.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/3gmt6de.jpg)
This small but neat office is perfect for anyone looking to start his own business. It comes with a cosy reception, a small Boardroom, desk space for 3 Office Workers and a storage room that can be used as a Survelliance Room.
You can turn the door to the storage room into an elevator. We recommend using "allow use" and either no sound or just an arrival sound. Specific instructions for that elevator and for the keypads/the faiding door will come soon. Please contact us if ou have any questions. With the Sourvellaince Room this office is pretty helpfull as a base-office for any security guards or similar.
Name: BHT Scrapyard & Store
Adress: Black Hawk Towing
Propcount: 199* (* propcount is going to be split soon)
![[Image: bC8nuiI.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/bC8nuiI.jpg)
Adress: Black Hawk Towing
Propcount: 199* (* propcount is going to be split soon)
![[Image: bC8nuiI.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/bC8nuiI.jpg)
This old cody scrapyard is a place where you can find everything: looking for a snack? need a car repair... or and old toaster? Hey whatabout an old AV Box or could you use a fancy old type writer? Whatever you looking for, whatever some people have thrown away or lost... youll find it hear. The backyard is a perfect place to look for mechanical spares, respray and repair vehicles, while the small store attached to the propperty will provide you with all the good stuff you could possibly need (wether or not you think you would needed). On this scrapyard things might be going a little slower. But who needs to hurry when you can spend your time chatting with the mechanic or just looking through all the curious and strange stuff you can find in the shelfs.
The first version had some of the props duplicated unescessary (2 props inside each other) please use the version labeled "fixed". We apologise for the inconvenience
The hydraulic lift is not operational yet, i mightfix that over time by adding 2 steel bars working as an elevator. Other then that this mechanical lot doesnt realy need any special instructions.
Domnestic/Residential Facilities
Mesa Appartments
Private/yet unpublished projects
comming soon WIP - documentation pending
Mesa Appartments
IP - documentation pending
Private/yet unpublished projects
Upcomming Projects:
WIP = Work in Progress | eta = Estimated time of Arrival | prio = prioritsed | ip = in planning
- Appartment Decoration ip
- Fun Bath
- Interactive Stadium WIP (eta: late June 2018)
- Race Track/Stunt Show
- Church ip
- Small Diner WIP (eta mid june 2018)
- Killhouse
- Highway Patrol/Highway Service Station
- Sailing-Yacht (ca.70-140 props) WIP (eta: mid/late june2018)
- Fun Bath
- Interactive Stadium WIP (eta: late June 2018)
- Race Track/Stunt Show
- Church ip
- Small Diner WIP (eta mid june 2018)
- Killhouse
- Highway Patrol/Highway Service Station
- Sailing-Yacht (ca.70-140 props) WIP (eta: mid/late june2018)
- Paragliding
- 190 Main - Bowling alley [font=Arial]WIP (eta: early/mid june 2018)[/font]
*please note that this is a list of ideas and future projects. It takes a long time to produce propper dupes. Some way be developed throguhout one or two months. If you have special inquirys or suggestion you are welcome to post your ideas below. Coloured WIP notes are given priority.