Jan 27, 2018, 04:56 AM
Your Name: Dan
Issued by:[L²] SirWulf
Blacklist ID: 73831
Server: Rockford
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I was responding code to an officer and was passing a group of cars on the side of the road. I passed them on the left and there was an SSA that got ran over. I could not see him while I was passing, as he was on the other side of a big SS Suburban, so as I passed, he either ran out in front of me, or I accidentally hit him because he was in a blind spot due to the Suburban. I had no intention of running him over.
The rule states: "Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads."
I did not run him over on purpose.
I was not able to brake or avoid him because he popped out of no where (whether he ran out or was directly behind the Suburban in a blind spot).
I stopped my response in order to check up with the SS agent who was hit, so I did not just hit him and drive off, which I would have done if I intentionally hit him.
So according to the way the rule is written, I did nothing wrong.
Unbl pls
Issued by:[L²] SirWulf
Blacklist ID: 73831
Server: Rockford
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I was responding code to an officer and was passing a group of cars on the side of the road. I passed them on the left and there was an SSA that got ran over. I could not see him while I was passing, as he was on the other side of a big SS Suburban, so as I passed, he either ran out in front of me, or I accidentally hit him because he was in a blind spot due to the Suburban. I had no intention of running him over.
The rule states: "Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads."
I did not run him over on purpose.
I was not able to brake or avoid him because he popped out of no where (whether he ran out or was directly behind the Suburban in a blind spot).
I stopped my response in order to check up with the SS agent who was hit, so I did not just hit him and drive off, which I would have done if I intentionally hit him.
So according to the way the rule is written, I did nothing wrong.
Unbl pls