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Full Version: PR -> Cate 馬鹿外人
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Reported Players: Cate 馬鹿外人 (STEAM_0:1:65460229)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jan-25 19:45
Summary: He RDM'ed me twice. I am a chef and sell pancakes in my pancake stand. I put all my money in to the cashier like all shops do. When this anarchists enters my pancake stand (I tried to let someone else in but he rushed through the fading door) he decides to mug me. I clearly tell him that I have the money in my cashier and that I can take it out and give it to him, but I get killed with no chance of taking out the money.

The second time, he jumps into my pancake stand by exploiting my dupe (at the corner, the roof was a bit higher up). This time, he decided to mug me again and gives me no chance of taking out the money from my cashier.

This ruined my roleplay today.
I was there, hell, I even killed him the last time to try to save the chef.

Either how, it is true that he just pushed his way through the fading door as he was trying to let me and another guy in.

I do also think that his job "Highwayman" does not necessarily mean that he can rob stores in the city on broad daylight, but I might be wrong there.
Under Review
Player Report Approved.

Accused was found to be in killing without giving due time for reaction.