Murdock Bowling Center
The Murdock Bolwing Center was constructed in early January 2018. With 6 independent and fully functioning bowling alleys it is the larges of its kind. The developement of our pinsetters and machinery has been the result of days of research, all so you can enjoy whats probably the greatest sport in modern culture: Bowling
The Bowlign Center is located on the upper end of Cosmos Street right across the Townhall. You can take the bus lines 5 and 21 or easily get there by foot or car. Customer parking spaces as well as the car park of the nearby townhall and the hospital provide more then sufficent place to park your car. Handicaped people are kindly ask to contact our staff to make their arrival as smoth as possible.
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday: 08:00-22:00
Weekends 12:00-22:30
Holidays: 16:00-21:30
(opening hours may be altered)
Kids: 5$
Students: 7$
Adults: 15$
Government Personal: 10$
Reservations: 100$
Please not that with 6 alleys you will not allways have an alley all to yourselve. If you want to make a reservation please call our staff or talk to use at the front desk. Reservations are limited to 1 day.
Shoes: 5$
Gloves 3$
Balls: 5$
For each item you rent youll be charged a 5$ safety deposit.
Each Alley comes with 3 bowling balls. You can rent additional balls for 5$.
If you bring personal equipment with you please show it to our staff as we need to inspect wether those items could cause any damage.
From Time to Time there will be special events and Tournaments
Those events will be listed here, advertised and posted below
Please be advised that the bolwing center is still in construction. The Exterior is almost done and the alleys are set. However the Interior, the decoration, the roof and the pinsetter system still need to be worked on.
I figured since most people stopping by were getting curious ill already make an annoucement to give you a preview of whats going to happen.
And yes the alleys is fully functional: youll bowl with 3 different types of balls. However there are only 6 pins as 12 would cluster the alley to much. Each alley has a small control pannel that controls the pinsetter (allows you to reset your pins yourself) and the rails (rails that will fill out the gutter so that kids and newcommers can play on a lower difficulty)
The balls will return to 1 of 2 spots, so they can be used again.
Its possible that due to my current proplimit (230) one alley might not be functional but instead will be put to maintance. This is just to safe props. Said alley will then later be added if i should recieve further reps enhancing my propcount, or get an admin to increase it temporarly.
So far the alley has consumed about 130 props. With 6x6pins + 6xdecoration (most liekly 4 props per alley) therell be another 60 props. With the decoration for the exterior, the lockerroom, the bar and the parking lot ill expect to reach the proplimit just close enough.
So far the construction time has been about about 7-8 hours. It will most likely exceed a construction time of 15h as the pinsetter needs enourous precision and as i still need to come up with some design ideas for the restaurant, the locker room and the roof.
So please be a little patient. Once its done all the patience is gonna be worth it i promise

Today i spent another few hours mainly focusing on the windows and the alley system itself. I also adjusted the roof sign.Unfortunatly a server restart has forced me to use /retoreprops as a save i made apperently left out larger parts. This ment that most of the buildings components are now loose and connected using the "connect" tool rather then "weld". As /restoreprops is unfortunatly not capable of saving special entities.
Despite causing minor problems with the dupe not saving some of its textures now though the alley took no damage. While this has slowed me down it hasnt stopped the progress on the dupe itself.
Im still not that happy with the roof design (maybe ill go for a flat roof and a more simple looking sign. Im also considering exchaning the 70 s style sotrefront of the building for a more suburban looking brick design. This would give the buildg an entirely differne looking face but im having dobuts that my current attempt on retro architecutre looks a little too static and probably somewhat unrealisitc. Most of the surrouding buildings have more detail in ther facade. The angled suare windows look probably a bit to bulky. Another alternative would be to not tilt the windows but instead leave them 90° to the ground rather then 78°. Tilting the windows like the pillars makes it look like one big surface with a too little detail. Also i think the pilars would profit if theyd stand out a little more.
.... but yeah those are my current concerns.
About the tehcnical stuff:
Im using a suprisingly low propcount so far. Although the bowling alleyd will cost me quite a lot with just a little of decoration im optimistic that i can manage to detail the inside witha enat ammount of furniture and decoratiions. All 6 Alleys will be operational. Due to a small improve ment in my retrieving system each alley will now have its very own ball retriever. On my older versions alley had to share this system.
Im still optimistic that ill be able to put "rails" to each alley. That means upon klicking a button in your alleys control interface rails will come out and block the gutter, significantly decreasing the games difficulty. The only issue with that is that sometimes elevators tend to no colide certain props for soem weird reason. Im workingon that later.
Here is another sneek peak on the construction so far.
![[Image: qSbBDtE.jpg]](
/rep give
Seriously though, I am excited to see what you'll bring us this time. I am sure it'll be as much fun as your last one on EvoCity was. Good luck with the construction!
Thanks for the cheers and support. And also thanks alot to all those who contributed tho the building process by discussing and suggesting design features ingame. Your support is much appreciated.
Im am thrilled ot announce that i was able to complete 90% of the interior. This includes the Foodcourt section. Given the current propcount (170) ill be able to complete the pinsetters tomorrow with one minor alteratiojn. As each alley uses 6 pins (6x6props), and as i still need a door, and something to hand those pins to ill most likely set up 4/6 lanes and put 2 in "maintaince". This means 4 lanes will be completly read (should be just enough) and the 2 others are gonna be locked for now. However with 4 alleys youll have just as much fun. given that my old bowling alley used 3 and we got a long well (although soetimes it has been crowded) 4 alleys are quite good.
Whats left so far:
- the pinsetters and pins
- the user control interface
- the door
Ill be trying to do this all tomorrow. So far the existing building and its interior have cost me more thn 10 probably 15h. A large portion of this time was spent dealing with restraint, copy/paste and texture issues that are now dealt with so i expect that ill be able to do most of the remaining task tomorrow.
Here are a few pictures of whats new:
I know it doesnt look like much but trust me it will be updated over time. Since it took me a horrible lot of time thought to build the essentials im willing to move some cosmetic details aside for now. As i can barly wait to open this : )
The Foodcourt and the door are finally done. With a really narrow margine for my proplimitXD
I aslo found a good way to implement the user interface into the alleys in a way that saves props, is fully interactive and looks somehwat decent.
That measn the very last thing to do know for me is to put up the bolwing pins and do the pinsetter. This will take a little as the positioning of the bolwing pins has to be done with absolute percision. If i place the pinsetter sytem on a single pin a bit to much tothe left or the right it will look hidious and interfer with the game. However this would be the thrid time im doing this sort of system so itll just cost me a little time but nothing more.
I also forgot to save some props for a ball rack, that means for now therell be fewer bolwing balls and no ballracks on the alley. This is just temporarly though as ill find a way to reqork this.
At the moment im still doing some RL paperwork as im a somehwat busy studenXD. Ill think ill be able to make it on by 20:00 gmt+1. The work on the pinsetter should take between 30-45mins, some minor tweeks and the assembly of a bolwing alley staff probably gonna take 15mins. That mean if im lucky we can all go bolwing by 21:00
I am thrilled to announce that the first version of the bowling center is finally up and running. Against my calculation i even had enough props to spare to make all 6 blwing alleys fully operational.
It makes me even more excited that those 6 alleys have been prooven to be nescessary as despite the late time of day,we had our first wave of customers coming in to play.
There will be some renovation to be done during the next days in order to fix cosmetical issues. As for the functionality though i can assure you that the alley is running perfectly fine.
The Alley will open up again very soon

Some core components of the alley have been updated: The foodcourt is finally done. Some Decoration has been updated. The Ball retriever has been updated to minmise the risk of balls getting stuck. A minor crack in the floor has been fixed. A probem with the textures has been fixeed
As a result the alley has been improved in its looks and functionality. I dont know why the AD has meseed up soome textures but with my updated file the textures are all good now. This means the alley is easier to set up now too : )