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Ban ID is 6518

[L²:M] Nightmare   

CityRP 2

Apparently broke FearRP and had to go in the middle of a police pursuit because I had to visit the hospital asap

I really love the server and will never leave again in moments like these
The staff-members have received your unban-request, ItzBasPxC.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
As mentioned to you in PM, your appeal should follow our template.

Please update your original post with the template, which can be found in this thread. You have 24 hours to update your thread.

Thank you for updating your OP to follow the template, much appreciated.

The ban was issued because you decided to flee from the officers trying to detain you, making a runaway to your vehicle. You then entered your vehicle, drove off probably a couple of meters which initiated a pursuit by a nearby officer, and you slowly came to a halt. From there, you took a couple of seconds and when the officer pulled up beside you, you disconnected.

Whilst I can understand and sympathize to the situation you were put in which caused you to disconnect, I'm afraid that this isn't an excuse. I'm sure you can also understand that the reason you've provided is used commonly by people put into similar situations, and thus it's hard to take it at face value.

Please disregard what I said about FearRP, as I misunderstood this situation for another which happened last night.
As the ban has now expired, I'll assume that you'd like this taken off your record.

Please provide further response within 24 hours.
User has not replied nor provided any further input on the thread since time of original post.

Unban appeal denied.

Your ban will not be lifted from your record. Whilst yes, your circumstance is a hard one, I'm afraid that I can't forgive it in this situation as the violation was very obvious. You shouldn't of ran from the officers to begin with to initiate a pursuit, and if you badly needed to go, you should of said that to them out of character. On another note though, I hope everything's alright.

[L²:M] Nightmare
Server Moderation Team