Limelight Forums

Full Version: Suggestion Polls
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Service [Forums/UCP/TeamSpeak/Stock Exchange/Etc]: Forums

Description: Can't add a poll when editing a suggestion after creation of the thread.
Bug observed since: A few weeks now, probably before.
Images/Screenshot: Not Needed
Steps to Reproduce: Create a suggestion without a poll, 'Full Edit' your thread, and scroll down and find no poll option. Staff I assume can add a poll because  had to add one for some of my prior suggestions when forgetting to put a poll.
Thank you for your bug-report, Monkey!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
Afaik, you can add a poll for a while after the thread's creation or till the thread faces a certain number posts
ok, can be closed if that is the case
it's still something that needs to be looked into though, wouldn't hurt to have it always enabled.
Bumped the maximum time after posting before polls are disabled from 9 hours to 96 hours (4 days).
