So I think I'll be returning. Don't know if it's because I finally got my M2 Abrams dupe to work with a rotating turret or to make some badass clan or something. I don't know what'll come out of it but I'm sure it'll be interesting. See you around the servers!
Welcome Back Falcon! Should be interesting to see what you got up your sleeve!

Welcome back, Falcon. Hope to see you on the servers soon!
He talks?
welcome back pal
(Jan 9, 2018, 09:23 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 9, 2018, 09:09 PM)Vatipää Wrote: [ -> ]Tervetuloa takaisin
English only.
OT: ok
Say the same to Nebula, roxas, slowkiller, luvbread and nudelsalat im panzer