Jan 7, 2018, 06:30 PM
Your Name: (Posted on behalf of) IVNT
Ban ID: 6501
Banned by: [L²]Barkles
Server: Main
Ban Reason: Continued toxicity, admin disrespect. was warned.
Why should you be unbanned?: I had no toxicity, You had warned and all I made was a valid statement against Rocket's abuse and that's Toxic? Please do explain my BAN request in detail.
Evidence:![[Image: C6F8AC4C1D0823214FB399393BA7D7CA8B8C1026]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/929298050726136194/C6F8AC4C1D0823214FB399393BA7D7CA8B8C1026/)
Ban ID: 6501
Banned by: [L²]Barkles
Server: Main
Ban Reason: Continued toxicity, admin disrespect. was warned.
Why should you be unbanned?: I had no toxicity, You had warned and all I made was a valid statement against Rocket's abuse and that's Toxic? Please do explain my BAN request in detail.