Jan 7, 2018, 05:58 PM
Your Name: Hungames
Ban ID: 6499
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. () [L²] Doctor Internet [/font]
Server: Rockford
Ban Reason: Bypassing a blacklist
Why should you be unbanned?: I am asking for a reduction on a ban that is obviously excessive considering my previous ban history and the nature of the comment made. Considering I have had zero previous bans, there is no reason for my first to be two weeks long. I have some blacklists, including the one I supposedly "bypassed", along with one warning, but that doesn't warrant a two week ban. The comment made that was considered a "bypass" was quite evidently a joke.
The use of improper grammar and sad faces is quite consistent with a joking remark. Are we now at a time where a slight joke leads to a two week ban on a first offense?
![[Image: 2B21E78905FF457B310324D7D15EF63FA5B26152]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/929298050725961486/2B21E78905FF457B310324D7D15EF63FA5B26152/)
Ban ID: 6499
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Banned by: Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. And tag their forum account. (
Server: Rockford
Ban Reason: Bypassing a blacklist
Why should you be unbanned?: I am asking for a reduction on a ban that is obviously excessive considering my previous ban history and the nature of the comment made. Considering I have had zero previous bans, there is no reason for my first to be two weeks long. I have some blacklists, including the one I supposedly "bypassed", along with one warning, but that doesn't warrant a two week ban. The comment made that was considered a "bypass" was quite evidently a joke.
Quote:(Advert) Aadi Bahl (1254): OOC: Barkles not nice :( he ooc blacklist me no reason man
The use of improper grammar and sad faces is quite consistent with a joking remark. Are we now at a time where a slight joke leads to a two week ban on a first offense?