Jan 3, 2018, 03:02 AM
Reported Players: //PepperPigBaconStrip420 (STEAM_0:1:182385376)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jan-03 00:50
Summary: The accused mugged me not long before I was killed, my character was deeply religious and ran a church. I told him that God would not forgive him for what he did, though I gave him the money.
The accused then came back, and prayed for forgiveness in the church, and I then told him he was forgiven. He then left.
He later decided to come back and kill me without saying a word, because "I did not forgive him". The evidence shows his "reasoning"
Evidence:![[Image: 2F3B249EAD8AB8B9B54655DCBEDCE0D4766DE7F2]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/913534958640221012/2F3B249EAD8AB8B9B54655DCBEDCE0D4766DE7F2/)
![[Image: 2F3B249EAD8AB8B9B54655DCBEDCE0D4766DE7F2]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/913534958640221012/2F3B249EAD8AB8B9B54655DCBEDCE0D4766DE7F2/)
![[Image: FB30OtZ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/FB30OtZ.jpg)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jan-03 00:50
Summary: The accused mugged me not long before I was killed, my character was deeply religious and ran a church. I told him that God would not forgive him for what he did, though I gave him the money.
The accused then came back, and prayed for forgiveness in the church, and I then told him he was forgiven. He then left.
He later decided to come back and kill me without saying a word, because "I did not forgive him". The evidence shows his "reasoning"
![[Image: FB30OtZ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/FB30OtZ.jpg)