Name of Player: Leon
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:103367091
Server: Rockford City
Time: 6:19PM Approx (In UTC+0)
Summary: As per @26's Request to post this PR, please see the following below. (Rules Broken: Metagaming / OOC Insults)
I had changed jobs as myself and
were RP'ing together as SWAT but he was demoted (Valid reason). I changed back to Citizen as myself and Brin were going to contra farm as Criminals/Thug etc. I was walking across to the Pacific Standard Tavern when Leon comes behind me and states "Oh you got demoted you faggot." and runs off. I had previously arrested Leon twice on the basis of Trespassing in the PD on the first time, and secondly he was jay-walking to bait the SWAT out and we arrested him as he tried to evade due to the jay-walking. Leon got mad in /911 and was calling me names IC. But you can clearly tell when he called me a "faggot" it was an OOC insult as he Metagamed firstly by looking at my name, then insulted me. Following that, I'm not trying to draw attention but my sexuaility OOC/IRL is infact gay. So it's not exactly a light insult that can be brushed off.
Evidence: Video:
Thank you for your player-report, IVIrCheetham.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Accused has 24 hours.
Due to the player having a speech and typing difficulty which is a physical impairment, please contact a member of staff to gather a statement for you.
Posting on behalf of Leon:
"This guy was bullying me the whole day, calling me a spastic and a retard.
He was nicking me for my voice via in-game radio and told me to 'start speaking normally'.
I got so annoyed and fed up that I insulted him back in a rash-reaction. Although he wasn't the only player who made fun of me at
that time."
He also told me that he would like to apologize for that insult, as he wasn't able to "think clearly" when he insulted him, because he got
so fed up.
"This guy was bullying me the whole day, calling me a spastic and a retard.
He was nicking me for my voice via in-game radio and told me to 'start speaking normally'. - This accusation is disgusting. Foul. I have never commented on his voice being the way it is due to the severe circumstances and the disability. I'd like to see his evidence of me doing so as I've always defended him when someone has commented on his voice or even questioned if he was "trolling" in radio.
I cannot form a word to describe how incorrect that statement is. As for calling him a "Spastic and a retard" again, this is utter nonsense. I'd never comment on someones disability when there are family members of my own who have far worse than Leon. i.e Cerebral Palsy (Without going into personal details.) I have to say, as wrong as it may come across, he's using this to get out of insulting me for being gay. Under NO certain terms have I ever, ever insulted Leon in such a foul-mannered way where its mocking a disability. That's fucking disgusting. I'm appalled he would make such a highly inappropriate statement and not give Roxas ANY evidence of me doing so as I know for fact I haven't as I hardly see Leon due to him being Government all the time and myself, underground.
I'm not accepting that accusation as it's damn right disgusting and outrageously incorrect. I don't mean to be horrible but he's using what ever he has against me to counter my PR. Bull to the shit.
--Partly Involved--
Earlier today I noticed quite alot of discrespect towards Leon. However, this was not you. Brin was commiting this along with the current police sergeant.
And I witnessed it throughout the day. To a point where Leon got very upset and couldn't control himself due to the shear anger he had.
Thank you for your input and correction.
I will comment that has been with myself and for the day as it's Christmas and there are circumstances where myself and Brin are together IRL and we enjoy spending these occasions together. I've known Brin for a very long time, and I know his character and persons. I most definatley know that Brin wouldn't comment on someones disability. It's not that, as myself and Roxas discussed, we know how it feels to be mocked for our sexuality, I know it's different to someone having a disability but we know how it's hard when someone is mocking you for something thats personal to yourself or something you can't help.
Again, let me stress it's not on the same level nor am I saying that it is, as a disability is much worse than someone prefering the same sex. But it's similar when you're given death threats or being told to die because you're not "normal". Stell, I have the most upmost respect for you buddy. I've never had an issue, but I personally have to decline your comment that Brin made the statements listed above as I know that Brin has never made a statement as listed or of any sort.
Please can you provide evidence that would conclude I'm incorrect.
Again, thank you Stell. Your comment will help staff, but please can you provide said evidence.
- J 
Personally from my experience being online in the early afternoon, there was a situation revolving around Leon as stell has said, however it can also be said that leon was acting immaturely towards others calling them 'fucking idiots' - unsure whether this was IC or OOC, however he was still insulting people. This situation was during the time I was President, during that time Leon tazed a civillian for no reason and was being harassed due to it with people demanding for his demotion. This caused stell to rage quit at the time, as he was outraged with the way people were acting. You can see this in personal messages as we spoke prior to him disconnecting.
However during this time Cheetham and Brin were police and neither of them said anything derogatory towards Leon that i am aware of, personally I know that neither of them would say the words they have been accused of saying.
This is my personal view of the situation from my perspective, it is not intended to be biased in any way, I am just detailing the facts i am aware of.
Thank you, for your response.
I completely understand you and your argument. Personally, I think I have messed up in this scenario as there was disrespect earlier towards Leon. And due to me being extremely annoyed with people who I won't name until a later date, I have clearly mixed up names in this scenario.
But, I would like to add that Leon had a hard morning that day, with two people disrespecting him in an extreme manner. To the point where I had to step away for a couple of hours as I was beyond what I could hold.
Was it right what Leon did to you? No, it wasn't and to be honest with you it wasn't what I was expecting Leon to do.
Sorry for any misunderstanding I have caused and I will be withdrawing from this PR as I am now irrelevant.
I totally apprecitae ur honesty.
I thank you for your comments, I will allow staff to deal with this accordingly.
I was online that day from 11.00 pm in the morning to 00:00 am in the night. IVIrCheetham and his two friends Brin and weeb bullied Leon in OOC and they also broke 12.1 and possible 3.6 meta-gaming as we posted a PR that day which you can find here:
The three friends have been breaking rules the whole day and have been very rude towards Leon calling him retarded and spastic. Whenever Leon talks, these guys just laugh and it really breaks my heart. Whenever Leon goes online, these guys write "Oh no, not Leon again!" and when Leon became the president that day you guys said in OOC "#Leonnotmypresident".
This is very immature behavior and a guy with 6 REP(s) and hundreds of hours should know a lot better. Your friends also have hundreds of hours. Breaking 12.1, possible 3.6 meta and bullying a kid who has a physical impairment and social difficulties in less than a day. Very low of you, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves!
(Dec 26, 2017, 12:06 PM)stakkacz Wrote: [ -> ]I was online that day from 11.00 pm in the morning to 00:00 am in the night. IVIrCheetham and his two friends Brin and weeb bullied Leon in OOC and they also broke 12.1 and possible 3.6 meta-gaming as we posted a PR that day which you can find here:
The three friends have been breaking rules the whole day and have been very rude towards Leon calling him retarded and spastic. Whenever Leon talks, these guys just laugh and it really breaks my heart. Whenever Leon goes online, these guys write "Oh no, not Leon again!" and when Leon became the president that day you guys said in OOC "#Leonnotmypresident".
This is very immature behavior and a guy with 6 REP(s) and hundreds of hours should know a lot better. Your friends also have hundreds of hours. Breaking 12.1, possible 3.6 meta and bullying a kid who has a physical impairment and social difficulties in less than a day. Very low of you, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves!
Firstly; You weren't involved in this PR. Do NOT bring another PR onto mine that doesn't even relate to this situation, staff are already dealing with your current one. Secondly, please provide SOLID evidence myself or Brin did such a disgusting thing. As per Stell's comments, he backed away as he realized we hadn't made any such remarks. Weeb had joined us around 10PM UK Time so again, your bullshit is flawed.
You're purpose here is to get me banned. You're childish, and ban-happy. I suggest you back off my PR as you're clearly not involved.
A key part of the response to the report is that you were bullying leon. As this poster states thay you were, I deam this as involved. Howeved, , if you could post evidence rather than just making accusations, that would be more helpful.
(Dec 26, 2017, 03:17 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]A key part of the response to the report is that you were bullying leon. As this poster states thay you were, I deam this as involved. Howeved, , if you could post evidence rather than just making accusations, that would be more helpful.
With this, there has been two people comment, Stell and Stackacz. Stell has since apologized to me as myself and Brin were mixed up in the act as it wasn't us. Stakacz has a current PR against me, little evidence and nothing to support his claim about me etc. He's hopping on the bandwagon that doesn't involve him. It has been mentioned to me that Leon made a call about Stackacz yesterday, responded and warned him to not bully Leon. So his comments about me which are very false, are hypocritical hence why he's not involved and wasn't even in the government at the same time as myself.
(Dec 26, 2017, 03:41 PM)IVIrCheetham Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 26, 2017, 03:17 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]A key part of the response to the report is that you were bullying leon. As this poster states thay you were, I deam this as involved. Howeved, "stakkacz", if you could post evidence rather than just making accusations, that would be more helpful.
Hi "Doctor Internet",
With this, there has been two people comment, Stell and Stackacz. Stell has since apologized to me as myself and Brin were mixed up in the act as it wasn't us. Stakacz has a current PR against me, little evidence and nothing to support his claim about me etc. He's hopping on the bandwagon that doesn't involve him. It has been mentioned to me that Leon made a call about Stackacz yesterday, "roxas" responded and warned him to not bully Leon. So his comments about me which are very false, are hypocritical hence why he's not involved and wasn't even in the government at the same time as myself.
Stackacz does not have a player report against you, Zoom does.
I will investigate this further when I can restore power to my PC, which will be several hours.
Until then, Stackacz's report forms a key point against your case, and shall remain, awaiting posting of his evidence.