Dec 14, 2017, 12:11 AM
Server [Rockford/Build/Event]: Rockford
Map (if not default):
Description: Lua error popped up in console and now ELS has stopped working
Bug observed since: Now
Steps to Reproduce: Don't Know
[ERROR] lua/autorun/photon/sh_emv_helper.lua:313: attempt to index a nil value
1. Photon_GetLightSection - lua/autorun/photon/sh_emv_helper.lua:313
2. Photon_CalculateELFrames - lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_meta.lua:562
3. CalculateFrames - lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_init.lua:113
4. unknown - lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_init.lua:117
Timer Failed! [EMVU.CalculateFrames][.lua (line 116)]
Map (if not default):
Description: Lua error popped up in console and now ELS has stopped working
Bug observed since: Now
Steps to Reproduce: Don't Know
[ERROR] lua/autorun/photon/sh_emv_helper.lua:313: attempt to index a nil value
1. Photon_GetLightSection - lua/autorun/photon/sh_emv_helper.lua:313
2. Photon_CalculateELFrames - lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_meta.lua:562
3. CalculateFrames - lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_init.lua:113
4. unknown - lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_init.lua:117
Timer Failed! [EMVU.CalculateFrames][