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Full Version: Drug pots are errors
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Ive tried:
Restarting My Game
Reinstalling The Content That Contains The Drug Pots
Reinstalling All Limelight Content
Have you tired doing this
Recently I broke my content whilst doing the Vehicle Plates update and Drugs content was one of the things that broke. I'm pretty sure they are in Content pack 10. Try deleting the GMA for 10 and resubscribing on the workshop. I know you mentioned that you have re-installed the content but just to make sure did you check that the GMAs were no longer in your Garrysmod directory?

Gta V weed pack incase you dont have it
Did that work
Can you provide an update?
Just wanna see if it worked for future reference 
I'll check tommorow and update you ( and @"Vatipää")
Give me a heads up if you proceed to need more help.
I see other peoples but mine are errors
That is very strange, did you download the GTA V weed pack?
Yes i did
Delete the .gma file in your addons for it and allow it automatically redownload upon game restart.
I have decided to place a bug report on this as this is not the first time I have seen people complain about this issue and I am uncertain what comes to it.
Now there errors until fully grown, then when someone collects they go errors again
Let me try to extract and give you the models separately. Message me on steam Smile
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