Hi first to make it clear i love the server i love the community i was always a part of it i had 1.5 year break but i back but i noticed som rly big problems
1. I Dunno its because the new map or something but terrible fps in evo city i had great 40+ fps (amd 4x 4.0 mgh cpu,hd 7800 2gb gpu ,4gb ram ) i knwo i dont have nasa pc but in rock ford i have 10-20 fps Rly ? this is my biggest problem . This is not a promotion just saying dont ban me but yesterday opened a new city rp 3 and they run rockford to i have 40+ fps on that server why ? i saw the map loading onli close to me maybe lime light sould do that to ? or just somehow do something with the fps problem lot of ppl left cuse that
2. rock ford buildings in my opion evo city was better because eco city had more places eco city had industrys,2 villages ,corleona state and some big buildings around the map. Rock ford is all about one big city its killed the criminal rp cuse noone saw big bases like evo had for explame the corleona stat gate was always blocked by the corleonas and industrial had som great gang bases to . In rock ford there is no place for that. The biggest problem with rock ford again the fps the whole map is one big city thats mean who have bad pc just cant play criminal rp, the cops are always there they spawn there etc rock ford is a bad map in my opion evo city was better in every way i know it was the community choice but maybe cuse they didint know it is that bad i guess rock ford was a new map every one was hyped for it but im sure a lot of ppl now regret their votes maybe re vote ?
But my biggest problem is still the fps issues not onli me like the 80% of the community play with rly low fps + A LOT OF HAUSE HAVE FPS DROP WHEN WE ARE INSIDE thats why ? theres onli a few buildings where u can play criminal rp ... SRY FOR MY RLY BAD ENGLISH
ty for reading this
i hope the fps issues will be fixed cuse there most be som way to fix it
* the other server got good fps cuse when i go into a building my pc will not loading the big city i see onli a huge fog
Rockford is trash, hated the move and want evocity back aswell
And another "We want a new map / Evocity back" thread ...
FPS is quite an issue however but at the end of the day the majority of it is not from the map, Its from the gamemode itself and from what I can pinpoint quite a bit comes from vehicles and Photon. Now optimisation for CityRP2 has been discussed and if I am correct in saying it is currently being worked on by the Developer Team.
Just a waiting game for now.
(Dec 7, 2017, 01:06 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]And another "We want a new map / Evocity back" thread ...
FPS is quite an issue however but at the end of the day the majority of it is not from the map, Its from the gamemode itself and from what I can pinpoint quite a bit comes from vehicles and Photon. Now optimisation for CityRP2 has been discussed and if I am correct in saying it is currently being worked on by the Developer Team.
Just a waiting game for now.
ty for your answer i didnt know that :

happy to hear it
But our problem with rock ford its dont have enught space like we cant build a big base cuse police will burn it down fast in evo city the police had to travern had to patrol for it and we had a chance to hostage it or something in rock ford everything is in the same place
It isn’t harder, you just need to adapt to the new terrain. There are plenty of great places to build bases, but people rather complain than look for a solution.
(Dec 7, 2017, 08:18 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]It isn’t harder, you just need to adapt to the new terrain. There are plenty of great places to build bases, but people rather complain than look for a solution.
My first problem is the fps the map can stay but we already have less buildings + a lot of building unplayable like us 76 road white hause why i have 6 fps in that hause ?
(Dec 7, 2017, 08:42 AM)xerath404 Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 7, 2017, 08:18 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]It isn’t harder, you just need to adapt to the new terrain. There are plenty of great places to build bases, but people rather complain than look for a solution.
My first problem is the fps the map can stay but we already have less buildings + a lot of building unplayable like us 76 road white hause why i have 6 fps in that hause ?
First of all, 6 FPS is ridiculous even at peak times. That’s a mixture of your end and the GM’s load. At the moment, we are running on a GM that hasn’t been tuned to new standards for a few years. Although this is currently being worked on, it won’t finish anytime soon. As Vadar said, give it time.
(Dec 7, 2017, 01:06 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]And another "We want a new map / Evocity back" thread ...
FPS is quite an issue however but at the end of the day the majority of it is not from the map, Its from the gamemode itself and from what I can pinpoint quite a bit comes from vehicles and Photon. Now optimisation for CityRP2 has been discussed and if I am correct in saying it is currently being worked on by the Developer Team.
Just a waiting game for now.
According to the unofficial map team, the map is a major issue in the crashing according to it being near max brush limit and a few other issues. I know that the cinema is using a prop around 100+ times, which cannot be helpful to anything as well.
Vadar, you claimed to be on that team in the above thread. Tell us exactly what about the map is messing things up? I'm sure being near max on it's limits isn't really helpful when 30+ players start adding more props and such to the map.
I'm still working on cutting down the map and seeing what happens with it, but since that team pretty much made it clear that they are on it and don't want my input, I'm waiting to see what they produce. I'm willing to bet I have more work put into this already then "team" does. Gonna say it clearly, I don't believe that any such team even exists nor is actively working on the project. They should put up something to show some progress, seeing how LL is all about "transparency."
(Dec 7, 2017, 01:03 PM)Jokhah Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 7, 2017, 01:06 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]And another "We want a new map / Evocity back" thread ...
FPS is quite an issue however but at the end of the day the majority of it is not from the map, Its from the gamemode itself and from what I can pinpoint quite a bit comes from vehicles and Photon. Now optimisation for CityRP2 has been discussed and if I am correct in saying it is currently being worked on by the Developer Team.
Just a waiting game for now.
According to the unofficial map team, the map is a major issue in the crashing according to it being near max brush limit and a few other issues. I know that the cinema is using a prop around 100+ times, which cannot be helpful to anything as well.
Vadar, you claimed to be on that team in the above thread. Tell us exactly what about the map is messing things up? I'm sure being near max on it's limits isn't really helpful when 30+ players start adding more props and such to the map.
I'm still working on cutting down the map and seeing what happens with it, but since that team pretty much made it clear that they are on it and don't want my input, I'm waiting to see what they produce. I'm willing to bet I have more work put into this already then "team" does. Gonna say it clearly, I don't believe that any such team even exists nor is actively working on the project. They should put up something to show some progress, seeing how LL is all about "transparency."
In my opion we should just go back to evi city v33 was the best i mean with rockford we have so so so so much problems
I'd rather work on the map to make a community version. It's not great in a few ways, but those same things that make it not great are what create the opportunity to make it better. The fake buildings, most of them could be real buildings. I was showing a dev about how you can cut 2/3rds of the props out of the cinema, simply by replacing the seats with another prop that is much better for the job. Found a few spots in the map that you can see through, and it's obvious that there are multiple layers of terrain that can be cut down upon. There are a bunch of these stupid gnome props in silly spots, serving no purpose that can also be removed. Some of the terrain could be leveled out a bit more, even the hills could be slightly reduced in grade to allow for more of the weaker cars and vans to go up without stalling out if they lacked good speed before attempting.
The cars need to be reworked in many cases. It was discovered that the cars is a developer issue, but that doesn't explain why half of them are completely underpowered where others drive on ice. It's almost like they were made in the sandbox server and not tested properly prior to them going into the server.
As for 33x being bigger, that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Rockford feels much larger to me than 33x. Not bigger than v2p though, but v2p was a very shitty map in many ways. Namely the exploit locations where people can get into areas they shouldn't be able to without much effort.
Another primary issue I have with the Rockford map is the lack of office buildings. It has shops, cinema, housing, apartments, two large and 3 small warehouses, one off building in the middle of the industrial, but no office areas that can fit an average sized clan (6-8 people) while allowing them any actual space. The only real solution is to build one out of props, either out of the city, or on the rooftops, which neither is a legit solution, merely a work around.
I couldn't care less what map we use to build off of, but the community should have the capacity to have it's own version of a map, where we could go as far as to add logos, custom buildings, ect. Could even move town hall to that dead space across from PD, I've actually seen that done elsewhere.
Sadly, there are people who want to have a title, but not put in the work to make it happen, citing excuse after excuse, when some of the changes don't even take a minute to pull off. I literally just learned how to open a map in Hammer and in the first five minutes of opening the vmf file, I had already ripped out over 100 useless, gameplay inhibiting props. Really tired of seeing excuses as to why nothing is being done, while the same people shit on threads that open up about the state of the map. It's almost like they enjoy playing on this half assed turd we call Rockford. And it is a half assed turd. The vmf files were released over 2 years ago now. With all these "mappers" claiming they are working on it, I'd expect that something, anything would have been done by now, about the issues related to this buggy ass map. Yet no, nothing has been done yet.
(Dec 7, 2017, 01:03 PM)Jokhah Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 7, 2017, 01:06 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]And another "We want a new map / Evocity back" thread ...
FPS is quite an issue however but at the end of the day the majority of it is not from the map, Its from the gamemode itself and from what I can pinpoint quite a bit comes from vehicles and Photon. Now optimisation for CityRP2 has been discussed and if I am correct in saying it is currently being worked on by the Developer Team.
Just a waiting game for now.
According to the unofficial map team, the map is a major issue in the crashing according to it being near max brush limit and a few other issues. I know that the cinema is using a prop around 100+ times, which cannot be helpful to anything as well.
Vadar, you claimed to be on that team in the above thread. Tell us exactly what about the map is messing things up? I'm sure being near max on it's limits isn't really helpful when 30+ players start adding more props and such to the map.
I'm still working on cutting down the map and seeing what happens with it, but since that team pretty much made it clear that they are on it and don't want my input, I'm waiting to see what they produce. I'm willing to bet I have more work put into this already then "team" does. Gonna say it clearly, I don't believe that any such team even exists nor is actively working on the project. They should put up something to show some progress, seeing how LL is all about "transparency."
Fair point. Regards to this map making in all honesty for regards to the outview of the map taking shape I have no input into it other than creating models if needed (Which hasnt happened yet). If you are interested in this map project contact
and he will most likely accept and include you in the current task.
If it was the map why would you not get 20FPS or so on a DarkRP server running the map or on Single Player? There are quite a few things that contribute to the FPS decline however personally I dont think its the map thats the key part to play in this issue.
Quote:I don't believe that any such team even exists nor is actively working on the project. They should put up something to show some progress, seeing how LL is all about "transparency."
![[Image: zU2pAha.png]](https://i.imgur.com/zU2pAha.png)
Not a part of Limelight in any way so I dont see how your "Transparency" statement quite fits.
Just do something with the fps its tilting me SO FCKING MUCH
(Dec 7, 2017, 07:01 PM)xerath404 Wrote: [ -> ]Just do something with the fps its tilting me SO FCKING MUCH
The dev is going as fast he can. Unless you can help, don’t expect it to be fixed soon.