Winter is comming !
And so is wintersport!
Murdock Co. is proud to present
Rockfords first wintersport facility
the Ski Jumping Ramp - Us 48
Ski Jumping
The first snow is falling in Rockford Oregon. Just in time to start of the wintersport season. Rockford, known for its beautifull countryside, its shore and cliffs is and ideal location sports such as skying and mountainclimbing. This is why Murdock Co. is proud to announce that we have opened the first mayor wintersport facility in Rockford.
The Slope is steep, the snow is slippery. Only a tough athlete will have a fair chance against wind and weather. But those who will stand up straight and tall will have a chance to score and become rockfords first professional winter sport athletes.
Are you gonna be one of them? Find out yourselve
Everyone is welcome to try it our. We are also looking for a camera man and a caterer.
If the ramp is active youll get notfied via adverts or personal messages. Well also broadcast on the public rt frequencys.
Pictures of our first brave sportsmen
![[Image: gjRFN1R.jpg]](
Dude, you always amaze me with the dupes you make. /rep give
Been watching him build it in game, I’ve also tested it and it’s amazing. Good job Marsh
(Dec 5, 2017, 06:17 PM)MrMa rsh Wrote: [ -> ]Rockford Minnesota
Z0mg it's in Oregon br0.
I'll let it
slide this time because of the amazing build.
i thought since we were using minnesota state tropper liverys we might be in minnesota, marion county on the other hand exsit several times with one of the more prominent ones beeing in finnland.
Than it will be oregon. They get snow tooXD
that moment when you actually google "oregon snow" just to reassure that you havent build a winter rp ona wrong loreXD
i did make some updates and imrpovements to the original ramp design (the supports lookes a little flimsy and the elevator wasnt supported). As well as i tested out an avarage jump range using different sized skiers (experimented with different physical entities and wieghs).
All thats left for a propper event is a pair of neat range markings that ill do later this day.
Unfortunatly the supports of the ramp still looka little flimsy though, thats because im running this entire build on a 90 prop limit witha need to safe at least 4 props for the skiers. I think however the supports are acceptable and once the range markign is done itll look quite nice.
I also though about hosting a first competition this evening. Therefore ill need several sorts of participants (ill advert that once the time has come).
To host an enjoyable competition we could use at least 2-5 ski jumpers, 1 food vendor, 1 camera man, 1-2 security&maintance crew
Obviously everyone is welcome to participate and probably even add to it. While i have a small hotdog cart outside people are welcome to spawn in own food trucks, television trucks, tents, rv equipmment and all that. I guess it could evolve to a quite neat community event over time.
i improved the range markigns a little. However my internet screwed mne over through the evening. Ill be back on it tomorrow noon/evening. Thanks for all the interest and support you people have been given so far

Looking good like always Marsh!