The staff-members have received your unban-request, Heppu62.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Hi there Heppu, and thanks for your appeal.
My main question Heppu is this, knowing that you were banned for the FearRP shown in the video in the past player report, surely that must of told you that it's not permitted here to do that. Why continue to do this after you've already received punishment for it?
To address your concern about not being able to understand a word of what the guy says, the player who reported you has difficulties with his speech and typing. I've heard him apply FearRP to others before, and they understood it just fine. If he had a gun to you, what made you think it'd be smart to run off the ledge of the ravine, diving back?
Yeah... It is funny that someone likes and gets satisfied to report -My opinion ''stupid'' things like this when there is much worse players than I am... I know I Did wrong And I am Apologizing That to you and everyone that I ''harmed'' When I jumped in the ravine... I know I'm bad at explaining these things also sorry for my bad English... Just little tired after a work day and want to use weekend playing Cityrp2 Cause TBH CityRP FL Is the worst server I have ever visited in my whole life

I'm pretty sure my explaining's Doesn't help me to get away from the ban but well... I tried... Nice Weekend to you NIGHTMARE... You've always been kind to me and I respect that If I get unbanned or not..
- Heppu62
I'm not sure if I'm properly understanding you as, like you said, your English is a little bit odd but from what I gathered, here's my response.
Regardless of whether there's much worse players than you or not, we have our set of rules which we expect every player to follow, and if they don't, then of course they can expect appropriate action to be taken in regards to consequences. You had a ban a little while ago (BanID 6211) which showed you doing almost the exact same thing. If someone holds a gun to you screaming, they don't expect you to jump backwards off a cliff, nor do they expect you to slam on the gas and go charging down into the ravine either. I appreciate the comments near the end, but I'm unable to offer you any leverage on this ban, as you should of learned from the last.
Thank you for your appeal, but on this occasion, it has been denied.