Name of Player:Rub
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:10844087
Server: Main city rp
Summary: Speaks in Swedish and threaten and insults me ooc and tells me that if he see me irl he will fuck me (or kill me) And fear RP against the officer?
Thank you for your player-report, bananen_ephihal.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Accused has 24 hours to respond.
Oh and I have even more when he called Karpoos mother to a "Jävla hora" (in english "Fucking whore"). Uploading to youtube currently.
Rub - Håll käften jävla fi- finska horunge // Shut up fucking finnish son of a whore
Kahjo - Well thats going on the forum
Rub - Säg vad du vill men din mamma är den största horan sätt de på forumet också din lilla horunge // Say whatever but your mother is the biggest whore I have sen, put that on the forums aswell you little whore kid
Well, im not going to deny that i was rude with words. But still i got provoked by bananen and karpo~ and his other friend wich i dont remeber his name, but you can clearly see it on the video. They have been harassing me and putting me to jail for no reason, wich is powerabuse since bananen called for them while me and him had an argue before he even started to shadowplay. Consider tho this is my first violation and probably my last since im not gonna lose my manners for these types of things, and insted use shadowplay and do the same back to them.

(Nov 9, 2017, 07:58 PM)Rub Wrote: [ -> ]Well, im not going to deny that i was rude with words. But still i got provoked by bananen and karpo~ and his other friend wich i dont remeber his name, but you can clearly see it on the video. They have been harassing me and putting me to jail for no reason, wich is powerabuse since bananen called for them while me and him had an argue before he even started to shadowplay. Consider tho this is my first violation and probably my last since im not gonna lose my manners for these types of things, and insted use shadowplay and do the same back to them. 
Rude with words? You where Death threatning us IRL. And what happens IC should like an arrest shouldent go out OOC. Its not your first violation, check your blacklists and you have one for RDM'ing me wich you did yesterday again to me. And you also saying youre going to RDM me again and so. I don't know if you have any anger issues but read the rules.
(Nov 9, 2017, 08:14 PM)bananen_ephihal Wrote: [ -> ] (Nov 9, 2017, 07:58 PM)Rub Wrote: [ -> ]Well, im not going to deny that i was rude with words. But still i got provoked by bananen and karpo~ and his other friend wich i dont remeber his name, but you can clearly see it on the video. They have been harassing me and putting me to jail for no reason, wich is powerabuse since bananen called for them while me and him had an argue before he even started to shadowplay. Consider tho this is my first violation and probably my last since im not gonna lose my manners for these types of things, and insted use shadowplay and do the same back to them. 
Rude with words? You where Death threatning us IRL. And what happens IC should like an arrest shouldent go out OOC. Its not your first violation, check your blacklists and you have one for RDM'ing me wich you did yesterday again to me. And you also saying youre going to RDM me again and so. I don't know if you have any anger issues but read the rules.
Well the thing is not matter wich reason you have, you will always try to report and try to get me off the server, i dont understand why you are trying to deny that. I dont care about you and i want you and your friends to leave me alone and stop power abusing me for no reason.
(Nov 9, 2017, 08:53 PM)Rub Wrote: [ -> ] (Nov 9, 2017, 08:14 PM)bananen_ephihal Wrote: [ -> ] (Nov 9, 2017, 07:58 PM)Rub Wrote: [ -> ]Well, im not going to deny that i was rude with words. But still i got provoked by bananen and karpo~ and his other friend wich i dont remeber his name, but you can clearly see it on the video. They have been harassing me and putting me to jail for no reason, wich is powerabuse since bananen called for them while me and him had an argue before he even started to shadowplay. Consider tho this is my first violation and probably my last since im not gonna lose my manners for these types of things, and insted use shadowplay and do the same back to them. 
Rude with words? You where Death threatning us IRL. And what happens IC should like an arrest shouldent go out OOC. Its not your first violation, check your blacklists and you have one for RDM'ing me wich you did yesterday again to me. And you also saying youre going to RDM me again and so. I don't know if you have any anger issues but read the rules.
Well the thing is not matter wich reason you have, you will always try to report and try to get me off the server, i dont understand why you are trying to deny that. I dont care about you and i want you and your friends to leave me alone and stop power abusing me for no reason.
What? If you break the rules we are going to report you, im not denying that what are you talking about? You broke the server rules and we are reporting you thats it.
Thank you for your report.
Player Rub (STEAM_0:1:10844087) has responded within the given timeframe, and I have determined he has violated:
- Asking to be killed, quoting "suicide by cop" (FailRP)
- FearRP
As we have no Swedish staff members on the team to the best of my knowledge, I can't issue a punishment based off the aggressive shouting over voice.
Player will receive a 2 and a half day suspension for FailRP and FearRP.
Please also note that the claim that you are being harassed by the reporter have been noted, and we'll keep our eyes open, but without any proof to back this, this is a hard claim to support.
[L²:M] Nightmare
Server Moderation Team.
I've verified the threats as I understand swedish due to me being from Norway. Additional time has been added.