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Full Version: Weed Seeds refund
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Name: Slowkiller965
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101861762
Refund details: I had 5 weed pots filled with seeds and my game crashed...
Reason: My game crashed with reason Lua error what it did yesterday 5 times only on LL and now again and now my game crashed again and my seeds
are away...

From logs, it looks like you were being arrested at the time of your crash, thus the cops would of destroyed the weed anyhow. I'm afraid I won't be able to issue a refund for this.

I'll leave this open until Thursday evening in case you have anything else to add.
Well actually the cops came like half an hour after that... (atleast that´s what I still have in my mind)
Yep, you're right, sorry about that.

Refund granted for 5 weed seeds and will be processed when I next see you.
processed refund
Moved to Complete.