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Full Version: I was banned falsely!
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Today, I don't quite remember at what time, but I was banned.

It was at the Street Festival that the President arranged. I worked as a security guard and I happened to have a gun without a legal permit. The Lioncrest security took me and we waited for a police officer to come and arrest me. 

I told the Lioncrest's that I understand that I did not have a legal permit for my weapon and I understood that they were to take me in. We waited for about 13-14 minutes for an officer to come yet no one came. I was patient.

My computer isn't always the best, it oftenly crashes at the worst situations. 

Sadly, this was one of them. I tried to restart my computer a few times but it didnt work. Suddenly after a few retries I managed to get it going again.

Then I went to Limelight and it said that I was BANNED?

I am new to Limelight. I've played it for a few hours as my friend had my account for a few days and apparently limelight was his favorite server.
It started to become mine aswell! I love limelight, I love it's community. I love roleplaying. I was very sad when it said that I was to be banned, as I never wanted that to ever happen.

I have many friends at limelight that I sadly won't be able to meet if this ban stays.

So please limelight. I never wanted this to happen. If I knew the true consequences of this I should've noticed that I was about to crash earlier.

I am still very sad, and if it does happen that my ban is taken away will all of my stuff stay? Beacuse honestly I did some hard work for it all.. I don't want it to dissapear.

Thank you so much LimeLight for reading this and I honestly wish that my ban will be taken away and that my stuff will stay.

Have a continued good day whoever is reading this.

Aaron Shore [LimeLight RP Name]  Smile
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Astrellis.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.

Use the template found in the link above.

Failure to use template.