Oct 17, 2017, 08:16 PM
NOTE: This unban request is made by IceSund, not me and this account. I have made this request for him because he cannot access this website. Also, note that anything written here is by IceSund's own words and I'm just here to get the message out.
Your name: IceSund
Ban ID: STEAM_0:1:17730858
Banned by: Internet
Server: LimeLight CityRP Rockford
Ban reason: FearRP
Why should you be unbanned: Because the administrator misunderstood what my friend IceSund said. He thought that he said "I don't care about the rules, other people do it so why shouldn't I?". But it wasn't exactly what he meant when he said that, he meant that every time he gets banned he does it on purpose because other people are breaking the rules and RDMing him. He calls the admin for help but nothing is done so he thinks it's unfair that they can break the rules and get away from it while he can't. He did not break any rules that day.
Your name: IceSund
Ban ID: STEAM_0:1:17730858
Banned by: Internet
Server: LimeLight CityRP Rockford
Ban reason: FearRP
Why should you be unbanned: Because the administrator misunderstood what my friend IceSund said. He thought that he said "I don't care about the rules, other people do it so why shouldn't I?". But it wasn't exactly what he meant when he said that, he meant that every time he gets banned he does it on purpose because other people are breaking the rules and RDMing him. He calls the admin for help but nothing is done so he thinks it's unfair that they can break the rules and get away from it while he can't. He did not break any rules that day.