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Full Version: Blacklist´s from Toolgun,...
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Your Name: Benny0421

Issued by: Soviethooves

Blacklist ID: 71835, 71836, 71837


Why should you be unblacklisted?: 

Hello, could you please remove the Blacklist´s from Toolgun,...? I play so much times on the server and i have suffered enough from the Blacklist´s. So i know i[font=arial, sans-serif] made shit and I never do something like that again! But please take the Blacklist's from me so i want to play normal on the server and not with Blacklist's! [/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]
[font=arial, sans-serif]Thank you

[font=arial, sans-serif][font=arial, sans-serif]Benny0421[/font][/font]
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Benny0421.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
The blacklist has expired,

because the reason you want to appeal this is to get the access back and not to remove the blacklist from your record I'll be closing the thread due to you getting the access back.

If you want the blacklist to be removed from record then please reply to this thread within the next 24 hours.

If there's anything you can add to this please feel free to do so.