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Q Menu -> Addons -> Limelight Props 3.
We're working on having them added to the LL Spawnlists, but there's quite a few props to go through.
(Sep 26, 2017, 11:13 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]Q Menu -> Addons -> Limelight Props 3.
We're working on having them added to the LL Spawnlists, but there's quite a few props to go through.
cant find it?!
(Sep 26, 2017, 11:17 AM)steve Wrote: [ -> ] (Sep 26, 2017, 11:13 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]Q Menu -> Addons -> Limelight Props 3.
We're working on having them added to the LL Spawnlists, but there's quite a few props to go through.
cant find it?!
Have you subscribed to
LL Props Pack 3?
Props always tend to make me really horny

what the hell is wrong with you limelight XD
Jesus i cant keep up. First you give us an awsome media player so i can start doing way better assive rps includign theatre and conert rp...
... then you add the police update 2.0 giving us so many new toys for the pd...
and now you are giving us so many new props for litterarly any passive rp (especialy the cameras etc are awsome for concert rp...)....

nah seriously. Its awsome how many updates you are pushig out at the meoment
will we organize the props to different spawnlists/lists/categories (or whatever those are called)? For example the office props from the new props will be added to "Office Props" list, and the big buildings to a new list, "Buildings". I hope you understand something what I mean.
I gotta say I am very impressed with the new updates coming out. The government one is one I was waiting for obviously, (still kinda hoping for the option to store the AR-15 inside your vehicle so you won't have to sling it around yourself ''24/7'' *cough* *cough*
https://limelightgaming.net/forums/thread-17257.html *cough*), but these props are definitely going to help into making my shitty builds a bit less... shitty.
I just wish I had more time to pop on but at the moment the first few weeks of college are kinda overwhelming me. I'll be on again more often shortly!
Aww. I guess I have to come back :)
Looks nice, also great job on the videos.
They could be better. Too clean for my tastes. Quality over quantity would've been a good idea like putting a few sets in different updates. Throwing them all in at once is...meh. I would say have a modeler touch up a few to look more "worn in", but yall still don't seem to have a good modeler at dev rank.