Didn't stay very long but it was quite good while I attended.
Enjoyed the Nicholas Cage appearance
![[Image: 4E7778B3ACD449A028FF6D639FCDF997F3CE5F15]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/875245651074453450/4E7778B3ACD449A028FF6D639FCDF997F3CE5F15/)
The Nicholas Cage appereance decided to kill me.
But this was a nice and fun event!
(Sep 30, 2017, 07:10 AM)Vatipää Wrote: [ -> ]The Nicholas Cage appereance decided to kill me.
But this was a nice and fun event!
were u the one trying to steal our dodge ram lmao,if yes I killed u
(Sep 30, 2017, 09:53 AM)ICEKILLER_99 Wrote: [ -> ] (Sep 30, 2017, 07:10 AM)Vatipää Wrote: [ -> ]The Nicholas Cage appereance decided to kill me.
But this was a nice and fun event!
were u the one trying to steal our dodge ram lmao,if yes I killed u
"You got killed by [L²] Bambo"