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Full Version: Why does the server lag.
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I just want to ask why this server gets so shitty frames when LF gets like decent FPS with max players on. It's the exactly same gamemode you just got some different new content. This server barely handles 30 players in my experience.
It a number of things that cause lag

# Stuff not optimised.

# Alot of players.

# Server not man enough.

# Lua's sometime cause lag.

# Where abouts in the map you are.

# Client side settings (have you got your video settings on max causes FPS drop).

# I have noticed is the weather addon/day and night addon 
(I have disabled it and I still have Lagg).

Maybe try theses command in console 

gmod_mcore_test 1

Also maybe try a fps boost
+ alot useless content atm
r_shadows 0
r_drawdetailprops 0