I am sorry but this is so upsetting for me
Name of Player: KSI
SteamID: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_0:1:105679680[/font]
Server: CITYRP 2
Time: (In UTC+0) English 18:30
Summary: saying highly effensive words, alot what upset me
Evidence: Dont ask why its on my stream layout
STARTS AT 47:49!!!! https://youtu.be/XH1H5PS31ME
Thank you for your player-report, Mitch Turley.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
(Local OOC) [L²:RP]K.S.I: hitler+gas=niga
got removed because of its that bad...
reuploading i have to verifi account vid to long
i have a video be up in 5
The first video didn't get removed because of how "bad" it was, but because of how long it was. Just saying.
And the new video doesn't work either, at the time of writing.
working now start at 47:49
sorry for my stream layout
5.7 While you may be racist, sexist, and discriminatory IC, do not do this to excess or if it doesn't fit your character's roleplay. These actions must under no circumstances carry over to OOC.
I must admit that after looking through the evidence and the logs, the amount of times racial slurs were used by the accused were obviously "in excess" - there is no need to say "niga" after every word. The accused will receive a warning for it.
"hitler+gas=niga" makes no sense and thus should not offend anyone. Regardless I will include in the warning that the accused should avoid writing slurs in OOC even if they are not directed at anyone in particular.
If you are so deeply offended and upset because a random person on the internet said "niga" and "hitler" a whole bunch of times, my advice is to abandon any internet related activities for your own well-being.